Page 86 of One More Time
My heart melts into a puddle at his comment. Such a stupid validation, but one I needed nonetheless. He just wanted me there, with him.
I cup his cheek and bring my lips to his, tasting him for a moment before pulling away and putting the truck in drive.
“Want to stay with me tonight?”
He nods and lays his head on my shoulder. “I’d like that. A lot.”
So I drive us home, stripping him down to his boxers as soon as we’re inside and then leading him to the bathroom. We brush our teeth, standing side by side and sharing a toothbrushonce more before we slide into bed. Jude looks a little nervous but seems to overcome his shyness by scooting over to me and nearly climbing on top of my body.
And I don’t mind it. I hold him to me, pressing my lips to his hair and breathing him in.
“Should I like…” He pauses hesitantly and then runs his finger across my chest. “Should I bring clothes over or something? For next time?”
I can almost feel his heart race from asking that question, his nerves evident. And I should say no, absolutely not, that this is too much too fast. But I can’t.
I won’t.
“Yeah, I think you should. I’d like that.”
He lets out a breath, his relief showing like a fucking ray of sunshine. “And you should do the same. Bring over stuff for my place, you know? If you stay over.”
My arm tightens around him, and I press a kiss to the top of his head.
“I think I’ll do that.”
He sighs contentedly and then a few minutes later, I realize he’s slipped off into sleep.
And once again, I stay awake far too long, wondering what the hell I’ve done.
And how the hell I can make it right.
“I’m thinking we could go to an escape room when I’m off work, if you want to,” Jude tells me as he dresses for work the following day.
I already miss him and he’s not even gone.
I lean up on my elbows in bed and watch as he pulls a shirt on, covering up all those freckles and those delicious abs. The abs I kissed this morning when he was still asleep.
“Yeah, I could do that. Never done one before, but sounds like fun.”
“It is fun, and I’m pretty good at them.”
I roll my eyes. “You seem to be good at everything.”
“Nah,” he says with a blush, leaning over and pressing a tentative kiss to my cheek. “I’m not good at music and you, Alec, are a fucking sex god on stage.”
“Awesome. I have one thing going for me.”
His eyes slide across my abs and land on my dick.
“And you have a real way with your appendage.”
I snort and then arch my hips up. “An appendage? Not my dick?”
He smiles at me and then shakes his head. “Yeah, your dick and your mouth. You sure know how to work that tongue.”
“Yeah, all those years of playing the sax. I know how to work it.”
It’s Jude’s turn to laugh as he leans over once more and brushes his lips against mine. “I’ll text you a time and place. Meet me?”