Page 20 of Spearcrest Devil
I think of Cerberus.
So for Iakov, I stoop. I pick up my phone and send him one more text.
Luca:I won’t kill her. You have my word.
Iakov doesn’t reply to me: not then, not for the rest of the night. I go to bed. He’s made his decision, but whatever choice he thinks he has is an illusion. Maybe I know Pavel better than his own son knows him, but Iakov will never find his sister without my help.
All I have to do is wait him out.
Disaster's Herald
It’s been almost ayear since I had the dubious honour of tying Luca Fletcher-Lowe to my hotel bed and leaving him with a pretty red cut across his marble chest. I heard he had a bad heart as a kid—a hole in his heart, a childhood of surgeries. Looking back, I wish I had said something corny and fun like “cross your heart and hope to die”, but in the heat of the moment, I didn’t even think about his shitty heart.
Next time, maybe.
True to his promise, Luca’s been hunting for me. That’s fine—he told me he would, and it’s not like I didn’t egg him on a little bit.
Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have done that. They do say that hindsight is 20/20. Still, I try not to make a habit of looking back.
It’s why I created my revenge list, after all. So that instead of looking back at all the horrible things that happened to me when I was young, I could instead look forward to everything I would do to the people who hurt me and my mother.
And it’s been my life’s work, and I must say I’ve found the work mostly enjoyable—albeit expensive.
There’s something about money that makes the people who own it untouchable, like a spell of invincibility or an invisible carapace of titanium. You have to be armed accordingly.
The only way you can fight someone with money is with money.
That’s how the blackmailing started. At first, it was more like a fun side gig. Dressing up, playing pretend at being a shiny rich girl in a shiny rich world. If only it was that easy, right? Because to blackmail men with scandalous photos and footage, you have to get close to them, no matter how much you hate them. It’s a dirty business I got myself into, so I’ve had to get dirty.
But it’s been worth it—it’sgoingto be worth it.
One more name left on my list.
I’ve still not picked up Richard’s trail, but I’m getting closer every day. Someone, somewhere in London, is harbouring him. It’s only a matter of time until I find them and make them talk.
I’ve even successfully evaded Luca Fletcher-Lowe, the limp dick devil himself.
I’m feeling good—proud even—only pride comes before the fall, doesn’t it?
Disaster comes, but before it does, it sends a herald to my door.
A knock at thedoor makes me almost drop the cigarette from my mouth. I turn around from the window, where I’m leaning, breathing in the cold air. Who the fuck could it be? It’s not like I have friends or family, and the letterbox is downstairs. I turn down my music before tiptoeing to the door.
Behind the peephole is a girl. She’s tall, with smooth brown skin and long curly hair. She looks beautiful enough to have been created in somebody’s dream, and everything about her screams wealth and privilege.
So what the fuck is she doing inGreenleigh?
My instinct tells me to ignore her; I want nothing to do with her kind. But there’s something in her face, a sort of desperate sadness and fear.
“Fuck’s sake,” I bite out.
I open the door.
“Who are you?”