Page 27 of Dragon Rejected
“Fearsome Four?” Kaida looked at each of them for an answer.
Remy rolled her eyes before answering. “Yeah, the four Elemental Dragon Princes that kind of run things around here. Somehow, they made everyone in the Outcast Lands bow down to them, and they are assholes. They’ve laid out all sorts of rules, and one of them is not hanging around here all night.”
Kaida made a face, “Why? That seems like a stupid rule since we aren’t bothering anyone being out here.”
“Because… they’re assholes.” Remy made her own face to convey her confusion.
“More like they like hanging around here, and they only let the people they like party out here, which are usually other dragons like them,” Adrien explained further.
“That doesn’t sound like proper leading if they play favorites.”
Remy scoffed at her. “Ha, that’s rich coming from you. Didn’t the kingdom kick out every dragon that wasn’t a Storm dragon?”
“It’s not like I was a part of that decision. It happened well before my great-grandparents were born. I always thought it was a shit rule since it dwindled our numbers. There were twice the number of Elementals than Storm.”
Azulia sprayed water from her hands to douse the fire. Kaida was fascinated that she was able to do that kind of magic. She had never witnessed her parents use the magic that their dragons gave them or anyone else in the kingdom, so it was her first time seeing magic being used. Azulia took her magic to a new level as she used Terrain magic to turn the ashes from the fire back into the sand to make it look like they were never there.
“Elemental magic is constantly evolving if the user researches what can be done. Calling a storm is one thing, and maybe wielding lightning, too. But true Elemental magic? I don’t think a Storm Dragon would be able to fight it and win. I think the Storm dragons were afraid of what the Elemental Dragons would be capable of doing if they were powerful enough.” Azulia gave her thoughts on the subject as she used her magic.
Kaida never thought of it that way. She was never around anyone who wasn’t a Storm dragon to talk about it. Was that why the Storm dragons banished the Elementals to the Outcast Lands? To rule the kingdom without a chance of having to hand it over to a dragon that wasn’t a Storm dragon? If that were the case, everything Kaida learned about her people’s history would need to be re-examined.
As all of them walked over the hill, Kaida realized she had no idea where they were going or where she would stay. No one mentioned that she could stay with them or if they even had their own homes.
“So… uh… where are we going? Do you all live together?” Kaida wanted to smack herself for sounding so dumb.
Adrien looked at all the girls and then back at Kaida. “We forgot you just got here. I guess you wouldn’t know how things work around here. Usually, when someone ends up here, they would eventually end up in town. When they do, it’s easy to find a shelter that people stay in until they can get their own housing. But Azulia and I were able to combine our magic and make our own place. Then we made a place for Remy and Sundrei. You can stay with us until we make you your own place if you want. Or if you aren’t comfortable with that, we can take you to the shelter.”
Instead of answering, Kaida thought of something else, and the question spilled out of her mouth before she could stop herself. “What would happen if your mates came back and took you to your kingdoms?”
It’s like I can’t control my mouth around these girls. What the hell is going on with me? Did the rejection break my damn brain?
The girls laughed at the question. Kaida’s cheeks flushed since she wasn’t sure if they were laughing at the question or something else.
Azulia answered this time, “We actually talked about telling someone that the houses can be reused for one of the four princes if we were ever able to leave. No sense in deconstructing them when they can be useful after we are gone. They aren’t big. Just one-bedroom places with just enough space to live.”
“Wow. I’m not sure if anyone from my kingdom would be that nice.”
“So, would you like your own place, or would you like to stay with one of us? Or the shelter… I don’t want you to feel pressured into staying with our group.”
“I think-”
“I think we found some rule breakers that need to be punished.”
A low and rough voice grabbed the girls’ attention. Everyone stopped walking, and Kaida made a sharp gasp. The voice caught her off guard but also called to her. Kaida had been walking in the middle of the group with Remy ahead of her, Adrien and Azulia beside her, and Sundrei walking behind her. She noticed that Adrien and Azulia took a slight step ahead of her, almost to keep her hidden, but it was a failed attempt.
There wasn’t just one person. There were four. All of them had power roll off them in waves that had her wanting to drop to her knees, and they were all looking at her.
The first one that Kaida’s eyes landed on had fiery, auburn hair that seemed tousled at the top. His brown eyes looked like melted chocolate, and the way his black shirt clung to his sleek build made Kaida want to run her hands all over him. The one that stood directly to his right had black feathered hair and piercing pale blue eyes. His high cheekbones, strong jaw, broad shoulders, and thicker muscles had Kaida staring at him a little longer than she had the first one. Then there was the blond, who almost looked like a god walking amongst them. His hair was a little longer and unruly. There was a dark blue in his eyes and a tan to his skin from sitting on the beach all day. The last one had long, flowing brown hair and deep green eyes. He wore a brown leather jacket with no shirt underneath. He kept his thumbs in his pockets as he stood there looking at them all. His chiseled muscles on display had Kaida staring until one of them cleared their throat.
“Care to explain why you are on our beach this late at night?” the redhead asked them.
Kaida noticed that his eyes were on Remy. Since she was ahead of them, Kaida wondered if they thought Remy was their leader.
“We were just bathing under the moon and lost track of time. You know how us women get, especially since the Witch tells us that it is a great bonding experience.”
There were a few sniggers around Kaida, and she stifled her own laugh. Remy truly gave no shits about what she said or how she said it. It didn’t matter to her that she just mouthed off to the supposed rulers of the land.
“That’s a load of shit. We’ve gotten reports of fire down there,” the black-haired one accused.