Page 44 of Dragon Rejected
Kaida pushed her hands outward with her palms pointed toward the Fearsome Four. A beam of purple light shot out of her hands with arcs of light swirling around it. All four of them jumped out of the way and landed on the sand.
Blaze jumped into action and started throwing balls of fire at her. Kaida bent her arm and put it out in front of her. She imagined a wall of her magic in front of it like a force field to stop the flames from reaching her. Sparks of purple light erupted around her arm and then quickly burst outward to create what she imagined. When the flames exploded around the field of light, Kaida practically cackled.
But she celebrated too quickly.
Blaze and Esen joined forces. Esen created a vortex of wind around her as Blaze turned the air into fire. Kaida had no idea how to block this attack as the vortex came closing in toward her. She threw her arms outward and tried to imagine a force field around her entirely, but nothing came to her aid. Kaida dropped to her knees as smoke filled the small area she had left and choked as it filled her lungs. She became dizzy and dropped to her knees.
A wall of water dropped from the sky, nullifying the attack just as Kaida almost lost consciousness again. She gasped for air as the smoke dissipated, and Beckett rushed to her side. Kaida blinked until her eyes could focus on what was going on around her and noticed there was a wall of ice around them.
“You okay?” Beckett asked her as he grabbed her face into his hands and looked her over.
She felt his concern for her well-being flood through her as if it was her own. Kaida sunk into his hands, relieved that he opened the bond back up. His strength filled their bond next, giving her the extra momentum to shake off the last of the attack from her.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just need another minute to catch my breath.”
“You did phenomenally. I have no idea what dragon you are, but she is fucking powerful. The blast from your hands alone would have maimed or killed them.”
“Good. They deserve it.”
Beckett chuckled as he pressed her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m just glad you are okay, and I stepped in at the right time.”
Yeah, me too.
It was mesmerizing to Esen watching Kaida fight only two days after their last session. Before they flew down to the island, Blaze stated that there was no way in hell that the dragonless girl would survive another round. Esen wasn’t sure why it seemed to be a goal for Blaze to make this girl give up hope on unlocking her dragon. It sparked a fire that Esen hadn’t seen in his friend in a long time. The more he tried to dissect why, the more confused Esen became, so he stopped trying to figure it out.
But watching Kaida standing on the other side of them, closing her eyes, and allowing her dragon to take over was like nothing he’d ever seen before. Instinctually, the dragon broke through the walls that contained her and let loose the most powerful magic Esen had ever witnessed. When the stream of magic blew past them, the heat coming off it felt hotter than Blaze going nuclear. Then the magic forming a force field on top of that? Esen had no idea what dragon Kaida possessed, but he couldn’t wait to actually see it.
Esen thought creating a vortex with his control over air would be interesting to watch Kaida fight. When Blaze added his own magic, Esen had to fight his own magic to keep in control of it. Blaze’s fire caused the vortex to grow in power to where neither of them had any control. Luckily, Beckett came in and doused it all from above. When Beckett dashed across the sand to Kaida, Esen took a step to check on her. Blaze held out his arm to make him stop in his tracks. Esen growled at him, but Blaze kept his arm still. That’s when the wall of ice formed around where Beckett and Kaida were, and Esen knew his magic wouldn’t be able to tear it down.
“Well, that wasn’t at all what we were expecting,” Arlo deadpanned.
“No shit. I thought for sure we were going to put her on the fucking edge again. Anyone feel the power rolling off her before the fight?” Blaze looked at both of them as he waited for their reply.
“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it was the same girl. I wonder if the last time caused her dragon to break down a wall or two.”
Esen nodded at Arlo’s statement as he agreed Kaida was like a whole new person today. The four girls she hung out with weren’t his favorite people to be around, but they must have added to the new sense of confidence that Kaida exhibited. She spent two days with them, somehow healed entirely, and even had her dragon’s magic to use. All four of them annoyed him, the Lycan especially with her mouth, but they certainly knew what they were doing to spark fierceness inside of Kaida.
“The last session was to make her fall in line and understand that we are the shit around here. If she is able to nearly thwart us with a single blast from her magic, no one is going to want us on the damn throne. Have you two been paying attention to our careful planning, or did you have your head buried in the sand,” Blaze said as he pointed at Arlo, “and your head in the clouds,” Blaze pointed at Esen.
Arlo shook his head, “I think you are worried about someone so minuscule that it’s driving you crazy, Blaze. Kaida is Beckett’s mate. If anything, they are going to cheer us on because she will be one of us.”
“No, dumbass. They are going to want her on the throne. Not us. We can’t build a damn army to rally behind us if they want her to sit on the throne!”
“The army would rally behind her because she can put an end to the Storm Dragon reign.”
Esen stared down Blaze as he spoke. His dragon practically roared to the surface to add power behind his words. It was honestly on Esen’s last nerve at how Blaze talked about Kaida, and now his dragon agreed.
At first, Esen joined the others in thinking that Kaida was the enemy since she was from Dragaal. Most of the people who stepped onto their territory from there always thought they were better than everyone here because they were Storm Dragons. The four of them had only met a few of the people since no dragon would want to reject their mate when they found it. It was something to treasure, and a dragon had a nasty habit of being a bit overprotective of the things they treasure.
However, Kaida wasn’t like that at all. If anything, the rejection broke her entitlement, if any was there, before she got here. Something told Esen that Kaida wasn’t that kind of person regardless of her upbringing. Kaida may have had everything handed to her as she grew up, but that did not create the idea that she was warranted anything her heart desired. Even her dragon, which most feel warranted to immediately come into their dragon, was not something she seemed to think she should have automatically. Beckett mentioned to them that the thoughts Kaida had were more of how to be worthy for her dragon to emerge instead of “my dragon should be here by now.”
Fire flared inside of Blaze’s eyes after Esen’s comment. Esen continued to stare at his friend, not wavering for a second.
“Now you are defending her, too?”