Page 10 of His Human Runaway
He opens the nearest door and we both step inside.
And I can't believe how beautiful this guest room is. It's nicer than anything I've ever stayed in. Nicer than the room they gave me at the mansion. A massive four poster bed dominates the room, and there’s a cushy chair near the window.
A cleaning bot rushes past us.
Thorn rubs a claw against his head, looking a little embarrassed. “I'm the only one who lives here right now. I'm not good at keeping things clean because I have only this one cleaning bot. The only rooms so far with furniture and supplies are this guest room, my room and there is some furniture in the main living area, in front of the fireplace.”
I smile because he’s got nothing to worry about, considering the house is brand new and this room has never been used. It smells wonderful.
He points at another door. “This is your private bathroom and there is a change of clothes for females in the closet. My mother decorated and stocked this room for guests for me before she left with my father on vacation. Because I never know who might come and stay.” He points at the shoes on my feet. “No one else on Tarvos has these odd foot coverings that you wear. But if you give those to the cleaning bot, they can clean and fix them and make them new again until we can order new custom foot coverings for you.”
My shoulders soften and a smile flashes across my face. It’s crazy how relieved I am to hear him tell me yet again that he’s single and a girlfriend didn’t decorate this room. “Thank you.”
“This cleaning bot will attend to you while I’m gone. I’m leaving to return to the barracks to get something for you to eat.”
And then the door closes behind him and he’s gone.
“Hi,” I shyly greet the buzzing cleaning bot that stands at attention.
It beeps pleasantly in response.
“Here,” I say, and take off my slip-on shoes and hand them to the bot. “I hadn’t brought proper boots with me from New Earth, not knowing I’d end up in the wilderness. Can you please wash and fix these? They are foot coverings that I need to wear again.”
It beeps again and takes the dirty and torn objects from me and then departs.
And now I’m really alone in the room.
I run my fingers on the ebony four-poster bed with white bedding and the elegant stone fireplace. Then I step into the closet to see the clothes Thorn mentioned. The females on this planet wear sleeveless tube top shirts. There are no shoes, but there are pants, skirts and shorts to choose from and even aselection of soft, strapless bras and underwear. They are all sized a little large for me, but I find some that seem to fit fine.
All the men and women on Tarvos are big, muscular, powerful beings. I am considered small and petite compared to them. The doorways are large and the chairs are always a little big, the counters are high. I have to crawl to get into and out of a bed. The Hyrrokin comment often that I’m delicate, which is cute considering on my own planet I am considered overweight and thick. I’ve been this way since I became a teenager, and I don’t know if that’s ever going to change. I don’t mind. I like my curves.
I’ve been trying to craft my life so that I don’t have anyone close who fat shames me.
I’ve had enough of that shit in my life and headspace and I’m done with it forever. Remarks where others talk of their own health goals and act as if I must have none, because of my size. Or are surprised when they learn I exercise and enjoy fruits and vegetables, like that’s amazing. I only let in other people as friends who allow me the space to equally talk of my own health goals, without judgment. I just don’t want anyone around me who targets my weight as an issue and puts me down about it in both big and little ways.
Love me exactly as I am or there’s the door.
I choose a pink tube top and stretchy, comfy-looking black lounge pants. I find some underwear and a comfortable strapless bra that looks like it’s actually going to fit.
Then I enter the bathroom and look around at the gorgeous space. It’s very high-tech and has all the modern conveniences. The floors are white, as are the walls. The cabinets are ebony and the cleansing unit has black walls. It’s so nice it makes me wonder what the primary suite bathroom must look like, if this is simply considered the guest room.
My large extended family shared a spacious farmhouse that was hundreds of years old. It was well maintained and a wonderful place to live and grow up, with love and laughter, but not as huge and fancy as this home Thorn has planned for his future family.
I strip off my torn and dirty clothes and underwear and everything and throw it all into the incinerator. I’m sad because it was really one of my favorite outfits, but now it’s a disgusting, tattered mess. The shoes hopefully we can salvage.
I use the bathroom, then turn on the cleansing unit and sigh with relief when I get under the hot water. The rest of the dirt washes away. And I look more closely at myself and I’m grateful that the bruises and scratches are gone. An hour ago I had a broken wrist, scary-looking cuts on my legs and a zillion bug bites. All gone.
The cleansing unit washes and moisturizes my body. Then I set it to dry my skin and hair. I step out, smelling great, and my red-tinted hair is in a long, straight, shiny blowout that reaches past my shoulders.
What a relief.
I pull on my new underwear and bra, then the black pants and loose pink tube top. It’s all so comfortable and perfect to rest and sleep in. There are even some makeup supplies, which I use lightly. Then I use the mouth cleanser and I’m done. Some flip-flops or socks would be nice, but I suppose a human on Tarvos can’t get everything.
I pad out into the guest room and hear a knock on the door and find Thorn standing with a tray of food in his claws.
He looks at me from head to toe with warmth in his gaze.
Which causes a tiny flutter of butterflies in my stomach. Huh? This is so different than the men from back home on New Earth, who mainly had me in the permanent friend zone, or at the mansion where their countenance was always lecherous.