Page 18 of His Human Runaway
He frowns and takes my hand in his. “I’m sorry those are the type of Hyrrokin you have met but that is rare. Last night I messaged Sheriff Loadstone about your arrival only because I’ve known him my entire life. Erid and I grew up together in this community and went to school together. I left for university and he joined the military, returning with honors. Some of us still like to call him Fire Lieutenant Loadstone. My friend is a true and honorable Hyrrokin. He is linked to the county, planetwide and royal peacekeepers as well as the Hyrrokin military. He often attends these high level meetings as well as managing a team of local peacekeepers who patrol this section of the planet. I would not have him meet with you if I didn’t trust him implicitly.”
I stare at Thorn, still in shock. My heart races because I cannot believe that Thorn called the peacekeepers after I told him not to. “I told you not to do this,” I repeat. “I said I wanted this to remain secret.”
“I know you did. But again, in this instance, I need you to trust me. I went against your wishes only because I believe you don’t know all the details about the peacekeepers in this location as well as I do, and your anxiety isn’t doing you any favors. This meeting will make you safer. Bringing Sheriff Loadstone into your circle of trust will make you safer. You have to believe me.”
I let go of his claw and start to pace the room. “I don’t want to tell you or him anything. I told you I’m not telling you the details about what happened because I have to protect you as well as me. And I can’t talk to a peacekeeper I don’t trust. He could very easily make everything worse.”
Thorn gently turns me to face him and places his claws on both of my shoulders, gazing deep into my eyes. “I understand,” he says with a gentle tone. “This is my solution to make this better for you. I’m going to step outside and return to work. Erid is going to come inside and you are going to meet withhim in private. Afterwards he’s not going to tell me anything that was said between the two of you. He’s going to keep your conversation confidential. My brothers don’t know he’s here. I haven’t told Burl or the ranch hands, but I’m sure they can see that he drove up. Loadstone is going to be your contact and the being who will advise you concerning legality and safety. And he has my full confidence to do whatever he needs to do without telling me anything. How does that sound?”
I take a deep breath. Through the windows a shape moves up the front steps and there’s a knock on the door. “All right,” I sigh. “But I still might not tell the sheriff everything. I have to see. I’ll know more once I talk to him.”
Thorn grins and cups my cheek with a warm claw. “I wouldn’t expect anything less. I know, you make all your own decisions. I’m leaving now so you can have your talk alone. And you can decide if you trust Erid Loadstone as much as I do.”
He leans in close and places his forehead against mine. “Female, there are only four males on this planet who are my closest friends, and Erid Loadstone, our sheriff, is one of them. I wouldn’t bring him to you if I didn’t trust him to cause you no harm.”
Oh, this male. He’s adorable.
I give a curt nod.
And then Thorn steps back, turns, and is gone out the back door.
I pauseand take a deep breath, readying myself for what’s next. I can’t believe Thorn set up this meeting behind my back, but on the other hand he does have a good point that I need to talk to an authority I can trust. Not that I trust this male I haven’t met yet, but he does have good references.
And damn, that Hyrrokin can be very persuasive.
There’s another light knock. I go over and open the front door wide.
And I take two steps back. I swear to God, the male standing on the porch is the scariest Hyrrokin I’ve ever met. Fire Sheriff Loadstone wears black pants and his red chest is bare, as are his large red feet tipped with silver claws. But there is a sash across his chest that bears a silver emblem to designate that he’s law enforcement. And he carries a blaster on his hip. And I think his white fangs are longer and sharper than any I’ve seen so far.
His palms go up and I catch the flick of his barbed tail behind him. “Do not worry, Mica Roberts,” he rumbles. “I am here to simply talk with you. Thorn said there is a human living in his domicile who requires help, and I am here to help. Can I come inside and speak with you? Or would you like to talk outside? Wherever you like is acceptable with me.”
Dammit, he sounds nice. “You grew up with Thorn?” I question.
“You are a veteran and a decorated soldier?”
His lips twitch. “Yes.”
“Alright,” I say, opening the door wider. “Come inside. We can talk in the kitchen. Would you like some Traq?”
“Yes,” he says. “I could use another cup.”
“Me too.”
He quietly follows behind me and settles his large form at the kitchen counter while I get to work. His head moves from side to side as he takes in the interior of Thorn’s house. “Heh. This is nice. I knew he’d finally finished the place, but I haven’t visited yet.”
“It is a wonderful home. I love the new build smell.” And next thing I know I fall into easy conversation with this scary-looking male. We chat about Thorn’s new house, the ranch and how longSheriff Loadstone has known Thorn and his family. Soon I’ve learned the names of the sheriff’s parents and even his siblings. He tells me a funny story about hunting in the wildlands with the Flagstone brothers and that causes me to spit up Traq again.
“You’re easy to talk to,” I admit, with an accusatory tone. “I didn’t expect this.”
Sheriff Loadstone chuckles. “It’s part of my job. How can I help people if they can’t talk to me? I need to find out what’s wrong.”
“True.” I sit next to him on a stool at the counter. “Do you have enough time to hear my story?”
“I have plenty of time.”