Page 26 of His Human Runaway
Do I want to marry this man? Am I in love with him already or am I really in lust? I have no idea.
I again make my favorite Traq, which I’ve discovered I like better than human coffee.
There’s a knock on the back door.
It’s not Thorn because no one enters. In fact there’s a second knock.
I open it to find Burl patiently waiting on the doorstep. “Remember how I asked you to provide a list of ingredients for human cooking?” he states.
“I received a message that it’s ready. We need to drive into town today. Can you be ready in thirty minutes?”
“That was fast.” I blink. “Yes, yes I can. How long does it take to drive to town?”
“One hour each way.”
“Oh, all right.”
He starts to turn back toward the barn.
He pauses. “Yes?”
A knot of worry settles in the pit of my stomach. “Do you think it will be safe for me to be seen there? I’m…I’m afraid that the Hyrrokin who I ran from are looking for me and might find me if I go out.”
He shakes his head. “Our small town is filled with locals. I personally know every Hyrrokin who you will cross paths with today. If there is a stranger in our midst I will know immediately. And no one, I mean no one in that town will let any harm come to you. I’ve already told them to get the word out that you belong to Thorn.”
I open my mouth to tell him I don’t belong to Thorn, but Burl is already gone, talking to other ranch hands. And what the heck, maybe Idobelong to Thorn?
It’s so confusing.
I go back upstairs to change my clothes into something more suitable for going to town. When I head back down, I see Thorn at the kitchen table sipping Traq.
And all I want to do is climb into his lap and kiss him again.
He gives me a quizzical glance. “Where are you going?”
I try my best to act normal, like I’m not fantasizing about viewing his naked body. “Burl said my ingredients for cooking have arrived so he’s driving me to town today. Isn’t this good news? Now I can actually cook in here. There should be more than food too. I ordered lots of other stuff like cookware, utensils and more plates and cups.”
Thorn puts down his mug and frowns. “Just you and Burl are going to town?”
“I think so…wait, I overheard Burl talking to a few others as he walked away from the house. I think they were asking to come along too? It might be Burl and I and a few others who also need something from town.”
A growl rumbles in his chest. “I’m coming too.”
“You are?”
“Yes. I am coming to town with you.”
“Didn’t you have something you were doing here today? You had some big project.”
“No.” He growls. “I’m coming with you today.”
I smile because I love the thought of him going with us.
We get out to the front drive and Burl already has a large passenger vehicle pulled up. It holds at least three Hyrrokin in the front and more room in the back seat. There is space in the back to haul cargo.