Page 34 of His Human Runaway
And then she’s on my lap, kissing me. I take her up to the bedroom and give her pleasure all over again.
Chapter 13
Finally, I’ve discovered she’s being tracked and threatened by the Hyrrokin mafia.
Luckily, I have a contact within their crime syndicate and I make a call.
Mica passes out on the bed from another round of vigorous lovemaking. I am trying very hard to impregnate her and I am now concerned that she needs a break. I should also be asleep, but instead I sneak out of our bed and walk downstairs to my office and close the door. I pick up my tablet and vid message my contact.
Prince Brimstone answers quickly.
We went to university together and were roommates and have stayed in contact all these years. Yes, I learned midway through our time together that he was the heir to the entire Hyrrokin mafia on Tarvos. And yet we still got along. His two enforcers who played bodyguards were not intrusive and he didn’t cause any harm to others on campus and in fact seemed to be intent on being “normal” at that stage in his life. He sometimes messages me when he needs something on this side of the planet where I might be of use, as long as it’s not criminal I agree to help. It is time for him to reciprocate.
“And what did I do to have the honor of this call from the normally dormant Thorn Flagstone? It must be important for a proper rancher to call us Mafia types,” he chuckles.
I snort out a puff of white smoke. He always plays the bad Hyrrokin. “You try to pretend you have no honor but there is a spark there inside your black heart. I witnessed it at university and I contend it still remains.”
He lifts a ridge over his left eye and leans in toward the screen. “Don’t tell anyone. It will ruin my reputation.”
“I never have, and I never will.”
Prince leans back and crosses his arms. “What do you want?”
“I have a problem here on my section of the Flagstone Fire ranch. At the end of this last rainy season I was out scouting the fence line of the edge of my property when I found a small human female who was badly hurt and bleeding, about to be eaten by a predator. I took her back to my ranch to heal her up at my med lab. But I soon discovered she was my future bound.”
“Yes. She had bruises on her arms that were from Hyrrokin grasp. I could tell she was running away from Hyrrokin who were intent on harming and reclaiming her. She was on foot for two dirunals. That narrows down the location she originated. My female did not arrive anywhere in the network of ranches and farms in this agricultural section of the planet. I’d even spoken with scientists who monitor the plants and wildlife in the wildlands and knew she wasn’t connected with them. She finally told me today that she originated from a section of mansions with tracts of land that border the wildlands. One specific area.””
“Let me guess, you suspect the perpetrators of this were my cousin, Akin and his enforcers? I know he and his mother recently purchased a vacation home out there and I’m assuming were quickly up to no good? That branch of the family is not known for their subtlety. Nor are they the highest earnersbecause they often get themselves in the sightline of local and government peacekeepers for stupid reasons that are easily avoided.”
“Rokena Brimstone has put a hit out on my bound.”
Black smoke wafts from his nostrils. “You have taken this female as legally yours?”
“I have mated her and she carries my offspring. I have not taken her to the courthouse yet but it is a matter of time.”
“I see. They cannot have her because they would take her and your heir.”
He pounds a fist on his desk. “Well, thank you for letting me know. I shall take care of this immediately. My bound is also human and I cannot stand aside and let a human who is the mate of my former college roommate come to harm.”
“You have a bound?” He seemed to be the type to forever pleasure mate and have no thought of a family line. I am indeed surprised.
“Yes, I scented Olivia on a piece of fabric she left behind and I was on the hunt, looking for her everywhere. Finally, I found her in my own family compound of all places—she was the daughter of my father’s new bound, who was also human.”
“You and your father have both taken human mates? And they are mother and daughter?”
“Yes,” he laughs. “We are a close family. And I have an heir and another on the way.”
“Thank you. And congratulations on the start of your own line. But I understand the attraction for a human. I am around them on a daily basis and my son is half human.”
“I never saw you as the type to settle down and find a mate and have offspring. This is good news.”