Page 6 of His Human Runaway
“All of us on the ranch would love to try human food,” I quickly answer.
Burl nods in agreement. “Human food is famous.”
“Oh, that’s nice.” She looks over at Burl. “Can I get ingredients for human food?”
“Yes, this is something we can provide. We try to live tech-free here, as much as possible,” Burl says with pride. “We do have a med lab and emergency equipment and use technology to stay in contact to sell our meat. But we only have one food dispenser. And when it comes to the way we raise and slaughter our cattle we use only the ways of old. No chemicals. Later, youcan give me a list of ingredients and I can order them from the feed store in town. They have an industrial-grade food dispenser that can get you what you need.”
“You will cook for me while you live here?” I question.
She blinks. “Yes. I can cook for you and the others too.”
Why don’t I like the idea of her cooking for anyone but me?
I don’t really need her to work while she’s here. I like the idea of her resting and remaining in my domicile until I can get to the bottom of what is happening. But I also like that she appears to be someone who enjoys staying busy.
“You will enjoy eating our Hyrrokin meat too,” I state because I can talk with pride about the ranch, all day and all night. “We take care of these lands in the ways of old. Most beings like to eat using food dispensers, but we raise our pyrotaurs and slaughter them in the ways of old. We sell them off for meat at the end of each season. It’s considered the best meat in the four sectors and highly prized here on Tarvos by the best chefs at the best restaurants on the planet. We even flash freeze and send out to other locations in the four sectors.”
“Does it do well for you?”
“This is a highly profitable business. I’ve even been able to increase profit sharing with Burl and the rest of my employees.”
“That’s wonderful…” She cuts me a glance under her eyelashes. “Do you live here alone?”
Warmth spreads in my chest at this question because it causes me to think I might have a chance. Why would she care if I had a mate? Is she trying to confirm that I am available?
Or it could be nothing.
Humans mate differently from Hyrrokin, which makes her cues hard to decipher. “I do not have a bound or offspring,” I confirm. “I live in my domicile alone. But there are many workers who also live in the barracks or on their own cabin here on the ranch.”
My tablet vibrates in my pocket, and I take it out and glance down at the disturbing message that opens on the screen:We are on our way.“Oh hell.”
“What’s wrong?” Mica questions.
“My two brothers are coming over to visit.”
Her eyes widen and fear flashes across her soft features.
“No, you do not have to worry, they are not here to take you away or to cause harm. They are simply nosey and always in my business.” I immediately tap back a reply telling them to delay a few hours because there’s still much for me to do before I feel she’s entirely ready for company.
“I…I thought you were going to keep me living here secret.”
I look up as I put the screen away. “Well, as secret as we can considering no one on this ranch, or the next, or anyone in town can keep a secret.”
A whimper escapes her lips.
“No one will hurt you while you’re here,” I confirm. “In this instance the more Hyrrokin in this area who know that you’re on our ranch and require protection, the better. This will mean your circle of protectors will only widen. We protect our own around here.”
Her head tilts to the side and then she seems to come to a decision and exhales, “I understand. I grew up in a small farming community on New Earth. It’s true that we protect our own. I’d be happy to meet your brothers.”
“No.” I shake my head. “They are always wanting to know what is happening on this ranch.”
“Well, that sounds okay. They’re family.”
“No, you don’t understand how annoying the both of them are.” And also both of my brothers are as unmated as I am without even pleasure mates. A streak of possessiveness runs through my body at the thought of them meeting her. Another growl rumbles in my chest.
“Why are you growling?” She glances over at Burl. “Is something wrong?”
I turn my gaze away because I don’t even know why I’m acting this way.