Page 23 of Dancing in Sin
After my brief interview this morning where I told both Nico and Macy that I have absolutely no experience working a front desk, I was told the job was mine. Nico left shortly after but promised to see me later. I was confused by that. We aren’t dating and yet he is acting like we are. Apart from those couple ofsmallencounters between us, we have barely kissed. Though I will admit, what happened in the back seat of his SUV and the moment in his office are by far the most sexual experiences I have ever had. Theonlysexual experiences really.
“You picked that up fast, honey. Well done.” Macy praises with kind eyes. She is an older woman, I would say in her forties, and very glamorous. She screams wealth. Sophistication. The type of woman I could see Nico with… My jaw clenches as something a lot like jealousy slithers through me with that thought. I tamp it down quickly. I am not that person. The kindof girl that gets territorial and jealous… so why do I suddenly feel like the green-eyed monster over Nico? “You okay?” Macy’s concerned voice breaks through my irrational thoughts.
Plastering on a smile, I speak. “Yes. Thank you for showing me everything. I never thought I would be working in a place like this.” I wave my arms around the sparse, extravagant space. With its plush white couches, oak tables, soft, soothing music, expensive coffee, water, and juicing equipment, it is everything you would expect from a high-end spa.
“You are very welcome.” She pauses, her eyes twinkling as she laughs. “Not that I had a choice. When Nico demands something, you do it.” She teases with no malice in her voice which puts me at ease.
I huff a laugh. “Yeah. I’m starting to realize that.”
She watches me, curiosity written all over her face. “How do you know Nico?” she asks.
With a sigh, I debated whether to tell her about my previous job. I am not ashamed of working at a strip club, but I have learned over the years that the less you tell people, the less information they have to use against you if they ever turn on you. But Macy is my boss. I should have a good rapport with her and be able to trust her. And anyway, it’s not like I am telling her deep stuff. Things about my past…
Clearing my throat, I look her in the eye. “I worked at The Executive Club as a dancer. He decided he no longer wanted me dancing there and offered me a job here instead.” I keep it short, giving her the basics. I want to form a good relationship with Macy, but she doesn’t need to know everything.
She chuckles, shaking her head. “Wow. I don’t even know what to say to that. You don’t really look like the…” she trails off, blushing. “The stripper type. But then that’s probably me being judgmental when I should be more open-minded.” She shakes her head, laughing softly. “I’ve worked for Nico for eight years.He employed me as the manager ofBellissimawhen he opened the place. Poached me from another spa.” She stares off before her gaze comes back to me. “Though I don’t know Nico that well, I doknowhim if you know what I mean. I can tell you now, he has never done anything like this before.” I don’t miss the curiosity in her voice.
“It’s not like that,” I whisper, shaking my head and suddenly feeling exposed. I shift on my feet. I both hate and like what she is saying. But again, that little voice in my head asks,why me?
“Oh, it never is honey,” she responds with a knowing grin.
Without saying another word, we get back to my training. I’m glad for the distraction and that Macy doesn’t pry further.
At nine p.m. - closing time - I tidy up the front desk and shut down the computer. After, I head to the staff break room to grab my purse. Despite my apprehensions about working at a spa, I actually enjoyed myself. Not that I would ever admit it – well, not to Nico anyway.
Honestly, I thought I would be bored, butBellissimais a revolving door of glamourous women wanting beauty treatments, their hair colored and styled or a mixture of both. It reminded me of happier times in my past life. A time when my mother and I would visit our local salon for the exact same reasons as the women who visitBellissimado. Though I was hit with nostalgia, which then made me feel slightly homesick, I reminded myself of the reasons as to why I left. A shudder wracks through my body just thinking about what would have become of me had I stayed.
“All done?” Macy says, glancing at me as she enters the room.
I nod. “Yeah. Thank you for everything today. It’s been great.”
“No problem, honey. You get yourself home. I will see you tomorrow.” She chirps, disappearing back the way she came.
Turning, I reach into my assigned locker, pulling out my purse. Spinning around, a scream leaves my mouth when I spot a figure by the door. In only a couple of strides, Nico is across the room, slapping a palm over my mouth and pulling me into his arms.
“SshTesoro, it’s just me,” he croons, as if that makes it any better. He is scarier than any man I have met. Yet, surprisingly, I feel quite safe in his arms. He stares down at me. So formidable and big against my petite five-foot-five self. Nico pushes me up against the lockers, the cool metal hitting my back and a huge contrast to my now heated body. “How did you like today?” he drawls, his forehead dropping to mine. Head-to-head. Nose to nose. My heart rate kicks up. What is he doing? He breathes me in, sniffing me, like I am a pet. “Fuck. You smell good enough to eat.” He growls and I feel his cock hardens against my stomach.
“Nico,” I whisper on a sharp inhale.
A deep groan vibrates his chest. “My name on your lips,Tesoro. Christ, it does things to me.” he runs his nose up my cheek, nuzzling me. “I want to do things to you that would scare you. I want to sink my cock in your pussy and fuck you until you think that you can’t take anymore. But I wouldn’t stop, I would fuck you through it, using your delectable body as I please.” I shiver, my heart rate kicking up to an irregular speed and my legs nearly buckling. No one has ever spoken to me like this. “I want to watch as you wrap your full, perfect lips around my cock. Watch as that pouty flesh stretches around my thickness. I want to fuck your mouth until your jaw aches, then shove myself so far down your throat my cum will have no choice but to settle in your stomach.” He rolls a finger over my throat as if to prove hispoint, then groans again, the sound hitting me straight between the legs. “Christ, I would stretch you so good with my thick cock. Taking you to limits you have never known. It would hurt, but in the best kind of way. You would love it. Beg for it even. And I would give it to you. Every. Single. Inch.” He enunciates the last words and liquid heat floods my panties. Jesus, this man and his dirty mouth. Leaning back to look at me, a smirk curves his lips. He knows the effect he has on me. Can probably smell it. “Come on. I want to take you to dinner.” My head jerks back at the complete change of subject. I shake it as if ridding myself of the words he just planted in my mind.
“Wh-what?” I stutter.
He smirks. “I am taking you for dinner.”
I stare up at him, my chest heaving like I just ran a marathon. It’s dangerous for my health being so close to this man, yet I can’t seem to stop it. Have no choice over it. Nico’s eyes drop to the way my breasts move with every inhale and exhale. He grins with pure satisfaction. Reaching down, he grabs my hand, threading our fingers together. Electricity courses through me, and I know he feels it too when his brows furrow in confusion. He clenches his jaw, gripping my hand almost painfully before loosening his hold. Sighing, he glances down at me before dragging me out of the staff room, through the spa and outside to his waiting SUV.
Chapter 17
Idon’t know what I am doing with this girl, but I do know she affects me in a way I have never felt before or can explain. It’s fucking infuriating. Especially when she is consuming my mind so much, that I struggle to focus on anything else. On business. I simply cannot allow that. Thefamigliais my life. My legacy. My birthright. No woman should come between that. Yet Ocean has, no matter how much I try to deny whatever it is I am feeling toward her.
I always knew I would marry someday, but in my world, it will not be a marriage of love but one of convenience. To bring more power to our family. Form stronger alliances. My wife will be someone that understands this world, and not interfere with business. They would be by my side and eventually have my children. We would have mutual respect but there would be no love. I don’t think I am even capable of that emotion, to be honest. Lust, yes. And right now, I can definitely say that I am verging into obsession territory with the little dancer, but as for love, that will never happen for me.
Nonetheless, whatever it is I am feeling, I am done fighting it. I am confident, that once I finally fuck her, these feelings will subside. They have to, this thing with Ocean can only betemporary.But what if the feelings don’t go away?The voice in my head whispers. My jaw clenches. Fuck. It’s a possibility for sure. It’s clear that I am irrational when it comes to Ocean, and if that’s the case then I will have no other choice but to keep her as my… I shake my head again. No. Nope. Not going there.