Page 26 of Dancing in Sin
“Macy,” Nico drawls his goodbye, pushing me out the door and toward his SUV. It’s like Déjà vu. And I can’t decide whether I like it or not.
Opening the back door, he jerks his head, a silent way of telling me to get inside. Climbing in, I sigh as my ass hits the buttery leather seats. Nico chuckles, before grabbing the seatbelt and buckling me in. My chest tightens. It’s a thoughtful thing to do, making sure I am safe. Once satisfied I am strapped in safely, he steps back, closing the door and leaving me with the man in the driver’s seat. It’s the same man from when I have been in the car with Nico before. He doesn’t look at me, just stares ahead as if I’m not even here.
“Hi,” I say shyly.
He glances over his shoulder, a small smile on his lips. “Good evening, Miss.”
I grin at the polite way he greets me, but I don’t get time to say more because the door opens, and Nico slides in beside me. His eyes lock on mine, so penetrating, so blue. So hypnotizing… Reaching over, he brushes a lock of hair behind my ear, snapping me from my trance. His gaze never leaves mine when he murmurs. “So beautiful.”
I suck in a breath. The sincerity in his voice hits me right in the chest. Desire tightens my stomach. I cross my legs as if it will ease the ache building between them. I want to touch him. Reach forward, run my fingers over his lips. His face. His hair. Everywhere. I tentatively lift my hand, ready to do just that when a throat clears breaking me from my lust-filled fog. I shake my head, my face warming in embarrassment. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Where to sir?” the driver asks.
“My apartment,” Nico responds coolly.
I stiffen when those two words hit my ears. His apartment? I don’t really think that’s a good idea. I open my mouth to say just that, but with one look in my direction I snap my mouth closed and the SUV pulls into traffic.
Guess I am going to Nico’s apartment.
Said apartment is the penthouse in a very extravagant, modern building. A building that I just learned Nico owns. Overlooking Central Park, it is in a prime position and must have cost a fortune. I grew up in a prominent family, and we were considered one of the richest families in our town, butthis? Well, let’s just say it’s next-level wealth. With its high-end appliances, floor-to-ceiling windows, and views people could only dream of, it is everything you’d expect for someone like Nico Marchetti.
“Wow,” I whisper, as I look out towards the park. The evening sun is setting, and the autumnal colors popping. The scene draws you in so much that you never want to look away. It’s the beginning of November and soon the orange, reds and yellows will disappear making way for winter.
Nico steps up beside me, handing me what looks to be a glass of rosé wine. I shouldn’t be drinking, being underage and all, but he doesn’t know that. “The view alone is worth what I paid for it.”
I glance up at him, nodding with a small smile. “It really is.” I agree. He sips his drink, whiskey if I were to guess, as he watches me closely. Searching every inch of my face and looking for what, I’m not sure. “Is this what you wanted to show me?” I whisper.
“Yes. A woman as exquisite as you, should experience the beautiful things in life. This is one of them.” I shiver at his words. At the passion in his voice. “Come. Let’s sit.” He takes my free hand, pulling me gently towards the L-shaped black fabric couch. I’m careful not to spill any of my wine as I drop down.
My stomach pitches in a mixture of excitement, desire, and fear, when Nico sits beside me, leaving only a breath of space between us. There is no doubt in my mind that I am his prey, just waiting for him to hunt me. Exposed and vulnerable, ready for his attack. And he will pounce. I see it in his cold, calculating, predatory gaze.
He places his drink on the coffee table before his intense gaze comes back to me. I swallow. I have a feeling that tonight is about more than just wanting to show me the view. I know I should probably be putting a stop to this. Know I shouldn’t get caught up in someone like Nico. Especially when I am soinexperienced, and he is so… well, him. Do I want a man to like him to be my first? But then a little voice in my head whispers words that, up until this moment, I didn’t know I needed.
If I am going to lose my virginity, who better than to a man like Nico Marchetti?
Chapter 19
She fidgets nervously on my couch, keeping a steel grip on the glass of wine I gave her.
My lips curve in amusement. I hook my arms over the back of the couch, getting comfortable. I stare at her, searching her face and wanting to know everything that is currently going through her mind. Ocean is a complete paradox. She can be defiant, sure, and confident at times, but then there are moments, like right now, where she is submissive, pliant, and hesitant. Hmm. Interesting. Maybe this is what draws me to her. The unpredictability. I don’t know what side of her I am going to get from one hour to the next.
When you live in a world where every woman you encounter is predictable, and easy, it makes for a refreshing change. With Ocean, I have to work for it, whereas every other woman I have fucked – since I was fourteen - is willing to drop to their knees as soon as I walk into a room.
“Relax,” I murmur, reaching across and running a hand through her blonde hair. “Tell me something about yourself,Ocean Embers.”
She stiffens, and her big blue eyes meet mine. So unique in their color, like nothing I have ever seen before. I know I couldeasily get lost in them – that’s if I let myself. I shake my head.JesusNico, get a fucking hold of yourself. You know that can’t happen.
“There isn’t much else to know. You know about my parents. You know I love ballet…” she trails off, chewing that full bottom lip. “Actually, I did find a studio.” Her blue orbs sparkle, and I hear the excitement in her voice. I don’t tell her that I already know that little bit of information. Or that I am having her followed by one of my men, a bodyguard of sorts, all because I want to know every little thing about her.
Not that he found out much. Just that she goes to work atBellissima, dances a couple nights a week at a studio in Brooklyn and then goes back to the shitty hostel that she calls home. On one occasion she did eat brunch at a little diner with a girl. After sending me a picture, I recognized her as one of the girls that dances at The Executive Club, which Leo also confirmed. He told me her name is Selena, that she lives in the same building as Ocean, and they are friends. Apart from those small details, she seems to keep to herself, which honestly, I like. It will make things easier for me.
Ocean eyes me for a long beat. Almost as if she is thinking over her next words and whether she should say them. Being the inquisitive girl that I know she is, she can’t help herself. “What about you?” she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. “I don’t know anything about you, other than you are a businessman.”
I grin, biting back a laugh.Businessmanis one way of putting it. Not that I am going to admit to anything else. Technically speaking, I am a businessman of sorts. I have my legitimate businesses, but I also have my… not so legal businesses. I have heard the rumors about me and maybe she has too. I know the girls sometimes talk at the club, though the majority of them are scared to voice the things they hear.