Page 39 of Dancing in Sin
He mumbles something, drawing my attention back to him. His face scrunches up and he is so gorgeous, it’s almost hard to look at him. With his chiseled features, and a jawline you could cut glass with, he is God-like. Perfect.
Snorting under my breath, I shake the thought away. No. There is no way I could keep a man like Nico Marchetti forever, even if I wanted to. He could have any woman in this city. I know whatever we have has an expiration date. His interest in me will soon wane. And I should be happy about that. We can’t be together. Eventually, I will have to move on and so will he. There is no other way. I’m just the girl trying to make it on her own and he is… well, him. A deity among men.
“Instead of staring at me like a creeper, why don’t you put that mouth to use and wrap those pretty lips around my cock?” he murmurs, making me jump. His eyes are still closed but he has a smirk tipping his lips. Lips that bring me so much pleasure…
I grin, cocking a brow down at him even though he can’t see it. “I’m not a creeper. I was just wondering what you are doing in my bed. I don’t remember going to sleep with you.”
His eyes snap open, and before I can blink, he is grabbing me. I squeal as he drags me on top of him, positioning me so that I am straddling his waist. “You didn’t. But what you did get was me fucking your pussy and a nice orgasm.”
I narrow my gaze down at him. “About that? That is the second time you have…” I trail off my cheeks heating. He grins. I suck in a breath then start again. “You know. Had sex with mewhile I was sleeping.” I drop my voice to a whisper. I don’t know why. It’s not like anyone can hear us.
His smile grows wider. “And it won’t be the last time either. There is something to be said about fucking your tight pussy while you are asleep, vulnerable. It turns my cock to steel, knowing I could do anything to you, and you wouldn’t be able to stop me. I came so hard, filling you with my cum. And you loved it. I know you did. Your cunt clung to my dick like it never wanted it to leave.”
His dirty words have me panting when I know I should be mad. I’m obviously a very sick, sick girl. “Isn’t it… weird? Doing things like that, I mean?” I ask, dropping my eyes to his chest.
Wrapping a finger around my chin, he lifts it until my gaze meets his. Pinning me with a look, he says. “No. What we do in private is nobody’s business but ours. I liked it. And I know you did, too, even if your mind is trying to tell you it’s fucked up. Set yourself free and own who you are, Ocean. It will make things easier for both of us.” He reaches up, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Because I won’t stop. I will fuck what’s mine, when and how I want, no matter if society tells us it’s right or wrong. Fuck them. You belong to me. If I want to stick my cock inside your tight cunt while you sleep, then who the hell is going to stop me? No. One.” He enunciates, drilling the words into me. “I will fucking kill them if they try.” He says all this so confidently, as if his words are law. And maybe they are. Who knows? All I know is he is right. People will judge you no matter what. Our private life is just that. Private. It’s not like I’m going to tell anyone what we get up to and I doubt Nico is the type to share information about his sex life either.
“Okay,” I whisper.
He grins. “It wasn’t a question, Ocean. This is your life now. Get used to it.” He thrusts up, his hard cock pressing against my thigh as his eyes narrow. “Now, my dick won’t suck itself. Wrapthose beautiful lips around me. I want to fuck your mouth until I blow my load down your throat and flood your insides with my cum.” My tummy flutters, moisture dripping between my thighs. But I don’t move. I can’t. He looks pointedly to his cock, which is now tenting the sheet and back to me. “What’s wrong?”
My cheeks heat in embarrassment. I don’t know why. This man has seen every part of my body in ways no one else ever has. “I-I’ve never done it before.” I blurt.
Something a lot like satisfaction flashes in his blue orbs, a smirk curving his lips. Reaching up, he runs a finger down my face. “I love that I’m the first man to have you. And the only man.” He adds in a growl. “I will talk you through it,Tesoro. Always. Now scoot down and take me in your mouth. I’m big so you won’t fit me all in - not on your first time anyway – but you can wrap your hand around the base and jerk me while you work the head with your mouth. Just think of it as a popsicle, suck me nice and hard until I shoot my load down your throat. I will tell you when I’m going to come.”
I pause, taking in all the information. Exhaling a breath, I nod. I can do this. Give him pleasure with my mouth, just like he has given me. Shuffling down, I swallow when I come face to face with his dick. It’s bigger up close. I marvel at the size of his veiny, thick, length, briefly wondering how it fit inside me. Pushing that thought aside, I focus on the task at hand.
Parting my lips, my tongue darts out, swiping up the tip. Nico releases a pleasure-filled groan. My gaze shifts to him, finding his hooded eyes already on me. Smiling, I open my mouth wider, taking him inside and wrapping my lips around his hard cock. My hand shifts to the base, and I wrap my fingers around it just like Nico told me to.It’s like sucking a popsicle, I remind myself of Nico’s words. Not that it is a useful comparison. Growing up, I wasn’t allowed things like sweets and candy in my diet - but still, how hard can it be?
Taking him down as far as I can go, I pump the rest in my hand. I want to give him the best blow job he has ever had. Better than any woman that came before me. One he will never forget.
Out of my peripheral, I see his hand dart up, landing in my hair. He strokes down the strands before gripping it with force and shoving me down on his length. My eyes widen, turning watery as he hits the back of my throat. I gag, slapping at his thigh for him to release me. Just when I think that I am going to pass out, he pulls me off of him. Jerking up, I cough, splutter and suck in air, as I glare at him.
He smirks. “That’s it,Tesoro. Just like that. But remember to breathe through your nose. It will stop you from blacking out.” He tries to push me back down, but I knock his hand away.
“I couldn’t breathe.” I seethe.
He chuckles. “Baby, you could breathe, you just panicked. Trust me, this is going easy on you. I can always hold you down and fuck your mouth as I please…” he trails off, the threat hanging in the air between us. I shake my head. “Now, hollow out your cheeks. Lay your tongue flat. And remember to breathe through your nose.”
Guiding my head back down to his groin, I suck in a breath before taking him in my mouth. He talks me through it, his voice soothing, gentle and in total contrast to how he is currently using my mouth. Hard. Rough. As if I am his personal fuck toy.
Relinquishing all control, I submit to his dominance and the brutal way he is thrusting into me. If my wet pussy is anything to go by, then some part of me must like it. Tears stream down my face, saliva runs down my chin. I gag and choke, but he doesn’t let up. And I don’t put a stop to it. No. I let him thrust harder, succumbing to his sexual proclivities.
“Rub your clit,” he hisses, dragging me from my thoughts. I bring my free hand between my legs, shocked to find that I’m not only wet, but I’m soaked. Circling my clit, my eyes flutter closedas pleasure shoots through my veins. I rub harder, and I don’t think I have ever been so turned on.
“I’m going to cum.” Nico groans, thrusting into my mouth so hard, he lodges himself in my throat. My hand falls from my pussy as I try to suck in a much-needed breath but come up empty. I try to inhale through my nose, but it doesn’t work. Panic hits me full force and I claw at his thighs so hard that I draw blood. But he doesn’t let me go. Holding me in place, I feel it as his cock begins to pulse. Black spots dot my vision and the last thing I feel is warm, salty liquid coating my throat before everything goes black.
Someone is laughing.
A deep, throaty laugh.
My eyes peel open, to find Nico hovering over me. It’s him. He sits against the headboard, laughing with not a care in the world as he watches me. Blinking up at him, I cast my mind back for any memory of what just happened, but I come up empty.
Disorientated and confused, I croak out through my sore throat. “What happened?”