Page 14 of Her Wicked Men
The mere thought had my stomach knotting, and I knew my brothers wouldn’t want her to go.
Would we be able to let her leave if that was what she decided?
I had an inkling we couldn’t. We’d become too attached, too invested, and we’d killed for her.
As soon as she’d made that call, it was sealed. Her path was now entwined with ours, a beauty amongst the monsters.
I blinked, Hank’s tight expression pulling me from my thoughts. Right, he’d been speaking, but I’d not been present.
Vee had really wormed her way in to the point it was becoming dangerous, especially if I got this distracted.
“The motion detectors caught movement,” Hank said, his tone implying he was repeating what he’d already said.
“Do we think it could just be deer?” I asked as I pushed off the couch, my gaze drifting towards the hall and staircase.
“It’s possible,” Hank said as he pulled out a pack of smokes. He pulled one out, toying with it in his fingers as he pocketed the pack once more. He’d never light it up inside, but I knew it meant this concerned him.
And if he was concerned, I was concerned.
“Send some of the guys out, do a perimeter check,” I stated, and Hank just clicked his tongue.
“Already done it, just wanted to alert you since the other two are out. How’s she doing?” he asked as he flicked his head towards the stairs.
“She’s coming to terms with it all,” I said, a heavy sigh on my lips.
“She’s not of this world, Enzo. She might not be able to handle it,” he said carefully as he placed the unlit smoke between his lips, taking comfort in the addicting habit. “If she can’t, will you all set her free?”
“How can we, Hank? She’s done something to us.”
“I know. I’ve seen it in all of you. You’re different, like you’ve all woken up from a slumber. More alive and present,” Hank noted. “But you can’t feed off her for your own sake. You’ll drain her until she’s nothing.”
Unease settled across my brow at his words. He was right, we’d been latching onto her light, like moths to a flame, desperate to escape the darkness for just a moment. But if we weren’t careful, we’d snuff it out, and she’d fall into this world we wanted to protect her from, becoming a part of it like we were.
We wanted her here with us, understanding us in our darkness, but we didn’t want to destroy the light she contained. Was that even possible? Could there be a balance?
Vee. She’d be feeling all the emotions right now, and I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and promise her that everything would be okay.
“Keep me updated,” I stated as I headed for the stairs, not wanting to fight it any longer.
I’d given her enough space, she needed to know she didn’t have to handle this alone.
Besides, she needed to eat, and I wanted to offer her whatever I could to make her feel better right now.
I climbed the stairs, a heaviness settling over my heart as a tinge of anxiety made itself known.
Why was I afraid of how she’d greet me? Since when had I become so vulnerable, the feelings and words of another affecting me so much?
Vee was special, I’d known it from the second I’d laid eyes on her. There was no one out there like her.
I paused outside her door, rapping my knuckles on it and waiting for her response.
When no sound greeted me, I knocked again.
“I’m coming in,topolina,” I said, not wanting to distress her more by barging in. I just prayed she had holed herself up in the bathroom and was crying.