Page 26 of Her Wicked Men
Zane didn’t even bother to glance my way, his grip tightening on the wheel, his knuckles going white.
I tapped my chin, finding comfort in my brother sharing my distress. We’d find Vee.
“Whiskey on the rocks, sweetheart.” I gave the barmaid my best charming smile, and she grinned back, batting her long lashes as her gaze rolled over me.
I normally would have asked her for her number or even tried my luck taking her out back for a quick fuck, but Vee had claimed my soul now, her emerald eyes and sweet smile flitting through my mind.
Zane stood at the bar with me, his gaze sliding around the bar quickly, analyzing the environment.
We’d already set our sights on the man at the far end of the bar, who was too distracted by a busty blonde to have noticed us. But others had noticed us, namely the three burly men at the poker table. Moretti henchmen?
“Here you go.” The barmaid slid us our drinks, winking at me as I kept my smile plastered on my face, tipping my head to her as I raised my glass.
Zane grunted his acknowledgement and took a hefty gulp of the amber liquid.
“How can you still be so easygoing?” Zane growled as he swirled his glass, glaring at the contents like they were the reason for his turmoil.
“You said to behave, besides, sometimes the best way to get what you want is with sugar, not fire,” I stated, smirking at him.
I knew how to wear my mask even if I was falling apart inside. He wore his, all icy and emotionless, hiding everything, whereas mine was false pleasantries.
“Well, let’s go see if Jeremy wants to take a walk with us,” Zane muttered as his gaze flicked to the men at the poker table. “I’ll handle them.”
I just nodded as I pushed off from the bar, striding past the other patrons seated there as Zane headed for the table. We’d had our own crew follow us, so he’d either threaten them or bribe them. Or kill them. That wouldn’t surprise me. This place was owned by one of the lower families, so it was a neutral ground, a place where we were supposed to come in and nottarget the other families. No gunfire or stabbings allowed within the bar. A place for all to mingle if they desired.
Breaking that rule would be a problem for us, but with how Zane was acting, I wondered if he’d snap.
“Jeremy, how nice to see you here.” I slung an arm around Jeremy’s shoulder as he laughed with his blonde tease, his gaze focused on the generous cleavage she had on offer. He stiffened at my intrusion, those muddy brown eyes flickering with unease.
“Well, if it isn’t Kieran, what brings you here?” he asked, his smile falling as he sobered instantly, hyper aware of my arm around him. The man was short and rotund, sporting one of those wretched mustaches that didn’t suit his rounded face.
“We need to have a little chat, Jeremy,” I said, flashing him my charming smile as I winked at the dolled-up blonde with him, who was giving me a once over.
“This is neutral ground,” he dared to point out.
“I know that, Jeremy. Hence why I think we can chat about this. Otherwise you may have some trouble making it home later,” I said, keeping my tone light-hearted despite the underlying threat.
He swallowed uneasily as he tried to glance over at the poker table.
All those men had disappeared though, only Zane remained seated at the table, and he tipped his glass our way.
How he’d cleared it so quickly impressed me. What had he said to get them to leave?
“Look, whatever this is about, I don’t—”
“Let’s take this outside. We’ll make it easier for you if you agree,” I said pleasantly as a bead of sweat formed on his brow.
“You know us Slades, we don’t make promises we don’t keep. Come with us now, and it won’t be as bad as it’ll be if you refuse. That much I promise,” I stated quietly, the blonde now catchingon as her smile dropped and she shuffled away. At least she had some brains.
“Okay.” Jeremy nodded solemnly, and I just gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“Smart move, my man.”
I led him out of the bar, feeling a few gazes on us, but no one was willing to make a move, not with the way Zane was now standing, the darkness swirling in those steely eyes. Those who knew us knew better than to meddle.
We headed outside, Zane calling Hank and some of his men to take our vehicle while we got into the limo they had come in.