Page 85 of Her Wicked Men
“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Zane said with a shrug.
I’d found out the truth, that he’d rushed in to save me, not caring if he got hit, too worried for my own safety.
They’d all come to my aid, and if that didn’t show me the depth of their care and affection for me, then I didn’t know what did.
I’d told Enzo that first day here that I’d loved him, but I’d not yet found my moment with Kieran and Zane. I wanted it to be special.
I stared at Zane, at his nonchalance to taking a bullet for me. He could’ve died that day. Hell, he’d been ready to die, staring at me in what he thought were his final moments.
We hadn’t spoken about it, not wanting to revisit that entire traumatic experience.
I touched his face, the emotions surging to the surface.
“You could have died,” I stated, hating how my words cracked.
“But I didn’t. The past is the past,” he said, his brow furrowing as he held my hand against his cheek. “We’re all okay.”
“I thought I was going to lose you guys, and I couldn’t do it, I had to shoot him,” I said, tears stinging my eyes. God, why was I getting so emotional now? I’d done my best to not even think of that day since then, to just enjoy each moment with my guys.
“You saved us, Vee,” Zane said, those icy eyes searching mine frantically. “Don’t cry, beautiful, it’s all okay.”
“What were you thinking when you looked at me?” I dared to ask, my voice a whisper as Enzo stood at the kitchen island just watching us.
“That I wanted you to be the last thing I saw. That I hoped you’d survive, that Kieran would kill him and take care of you,” he answered honestly as he pulled me close.
The tears trickled down my cheeks as he held me close, and I cried softly in his arms, the dam of my emotions crumbling as I let them out.
No one said a word until my soft sobs died down, and Enzo appeared beside me with some tissues.
“We’re all okay, and that’s all that matters,” Enzo said as he rested a hand on my thigh. I blew my nose and dabbed my eyes, forcing myself to pull it together. He was right, we were all okay.
“You okay, Vee?” Zane asked as he gave my body a squeeze as I now sat in his lap, his arms wrapped around me tight.
I just nodded, and Enzo gave me a warm smile.
“Well, then,piccolo lupo,food is ready,” Enzo said as he rose. “The finest ingredients all the way from Italy.”
“You mean the nearest grocery store,” Zane scoffed as he helped me stand.
Enzo just ignored him as he began dishing out the plates for us, and Zane guided me to the large dining table and pulled my seat out.
I couldn’t help but smile as I sniffled, the emotions still raw beneath the surface at his words.
He loved me, it was as obvious as night and day, and I couldn’t be happier. Sure, we hadn’t exactly said it, but we’d get there in due time.
The dinner Enzo had cooked us was incredible, a gnocchi specialty, although Kieran had asked to take his to his room since he was caught up in his project.
“So, Machu Picchu, huh? Why there?” Enzo asked.
“It’s just beautiful, I think it’s an experience worth having, seeing the ruins, exploring the culture, just enjoying those views, too,” I said as I sat back, having polished off my entire plate and sipping on water.
“We should go to Italy at some point as well. Visit Jason,” Enzo said, and I pulled a face at Thomas’ new name. I hated it, but it was the name he had to go by now.
“Have you ever been?” I asked, and he nodded as Zane began collecting our plates.
They’d had a butler guy in here when we’d first come in, but since I was uneasy so much, they’d asked him to stand down for a while and they’d handle everything. He was on paid leave for now, thankfully.
Enzo began telling me all about his home country, which Zane pointed out that he was born in Weststone, so it was his ancestral home, not his home country.