Page 12 of The Flirty Vet
"If I can jump onto that analogy for a moment…"
"I'm all ears." Ooh, that gives me an idea.Be sure to nibble on his ears.
"I'm, uh,newto the team."
"What team are we talking about?"
"The LGBTQIA+ team."
"Right. Well, in that case, welcome. Thank you for joining us. Have you received your membership details and yourevery tenth fuck is freecard yet?
He swats my arm, trying to bite back a grin. "Stop it."
"What are you saying?" I look him in the eye. "Why did you tell me that?"
"I'm not sure. I don't usually—" He cuts himself off. "Just thought you should know."
I trace my fingers down the side of his face. "Want me to go gentle on you?"
He shakes his head.
"Have you been with men before?"
He nods. "One time."
"And you're sure you don't want me to go slow? My dick can be very demanding, but I can rein him in if that's what's called for."
"I can handle your dick, believe me."
"Have I mentioned how big?—"
"You have. And I'm not scared." His eyes glimmer. "I'm always up for a challenge."
"Glad to hear it."
We stand there, staring at each other, and I am so fucking lost in his eyes it's not funny.
Who is this guy?
I've spent a couple of hours with him, and I can honestly say I have no real clue. Any brief glimpses I've caught of him only add to my confusion.
He's not as cranky as I first suspected he was, but he's hardly an open book. But then, it feels like he has opened up to me, at least a little with that cryptic comment when we were talking about fonts.
And for someone inexperienced with guy sex, he veers from hesitant and vulnerable to overly forward in a way that makes my head spin.
Good thing then my big head has handed over control to my big head downstairs.
I sway toward him. "Any special…requests?"
"Just one," he replies in a soft tone, bringing his lips so close to mine they almost touch. "Make my first night in Australia one I'll never forget."
I run my tongue along his lower lip and murmur, "You got yourself a deal…mate."
Sheets rustle behind me. I minimize the window on the Word document I've been working on since I got up about an hour ago and spin around to the mass sprawled diagonally across my bed. There's a human body of the Australian variety buried somewhere beneath that heavy quilt.