Page 138 of The Flirty Vet
Col's eyes meet mine. They're both a shade lighter this morning, but then the smile dies on his lips, and he ruffles his hand through Kolby's hair. "I actually have to go back to America soon, buddy."
"Forever?" Kolby asks, and by his sharp intake of breath, I can tell the question catches Col off guard. Six-year-olds have a way of getting straight to the heart of things.
I grab Kolby's shoulders protectively, and he hinges back into my body the way he likes to do.
"How soon?" I ask, holding my breath.
His expression tightens. "I have to leave tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Kolby and I exclaim at the same time.
Fuck. That's so soon. I knew our time was coming to an end, but I thought we had maybe a few more days together, not a fraction more than twenty-four hours.
I smile and nod as Col explains about some bullshit training he's needed for, but inside…mate, I am fuckingwrecked. I'm still holding on to Kolby, but it feels more like he's the one propping me up than the other way around.
I promised Col I'd find a way to make this all right, but I need more time than until tomorrow to do that.
Is this really it? Is today the final full day we get to spend together?
I glance out the window, bite into my lip, and pray for a miracle.
The four of us are sitting around the table eating breakfast.
Well, Bridgette's eating her cereal.
Kolby's playing aeroplanes with his, dunking his spoon into the bowl and splashing milk all over the table. I'm too heartbroken to pull him up on it.
Col's inhaling his second bowl already.
And I'm just pushing the pieces of Weet-Bix around with my spoon. The milk's turned an unappealing mushy-brown texture. Not that I had much of an appetite to begin with anyway. I still can't believe that my time with Col is coming to an end. He's going to leave and then what? Will we ever see each other again?
He mentioned his boss would like him to work in Australia, but he hasn't said anything else about that lately. Is he still considering it, or has being here these past few months made him realise Aussie life isn't for him?
There's no way I can pick up and move to New York. I'm sure it's a great place, but my life is here. I can't leave the kids. Our home, that we have somehow managed to save, is here.
Fuck. Why does he have to leave so soon? I need more time to formulate a plan.
"The road into town's flooded," Emma announces as she enters the kitchen.
I look up at her. "Are you fucking serious?"
She pins me with a look. "Do I look like a comedian?"
Bypassing that… "So if the road is closed, there's no way to get into town?"
She rolls her eyes. "Exhibit A for why we need more funding for education."
"You know, for someone who just said she's not a comedian?—"
An apple comes flying at me, whizzing past my head by mere millimetres. "Hey!"
Kolby cracks up laughing. Bridgette giggles.
Only Col is picking up on the true extent of what I'm trying to get at. "So, if the road is flooded, I can't leave here?"
Em nods. "Well done, mate."