Page 144 of The Flirty Vet
Wilby:Talented fingers.
Col:Landed. I. Am. Dead. No. Wait. I'm alive as in I survived the flight, even with the delay in Toronto, but I am physically exhausted.
Wilby:Glad you made it back safely. Rest up.
Col:I'm horny. Wanna video chat?
Col:Corporate training is a crime against humanity. There. I said it.
Wilby:It can't be that bad.
Wilby:There are too many boxes, arrows, and words on that slide.
Wilby:Which obviously I would say because I can't read or do basic maths, but I'm gathering you agree?
Col:100% agree. And there were over 135 slides today. Kill. Me. Now.
Wilby:I'm horny. You up?
Wilby:Kolby got a B+ on his maths exam. You should've seen him. He raced into the house like he'd won a lifetime of meat pies.
Col:That's amazingggg! Give him an extra big hug from me, and tell him he's a legend.
Wilby:Well, he does take after me
Wilby:Tell me I'm lying.
Wilby:Still waiting…
Col:You're not lying. And shut up.
Col:I'm horny. You free?
Wilby:I'm feeling like shit. Need cheering up. Tell me why you like me again.
I remember this exchange. It took place last week. I'd had a brutal day at work, having to euthanise two dogs that had mauled each other. It was horrific.
I was hoping Col would lift my spirits.
Instead, what he wrote floored me.
Col:Well, you've taught me a lot of things.
Okay. Not that bit. At this point, I was expecting him to list all my amazing sex skills. Naturally.
But that's not where he went with it at all.
Col:You changed me.
Col:You showed me what it was to be carefree. Live life to the fullest. On your own terms. Giving zero fucks about what anyone says or thinks.
Col:You saved me from kangaroos gone wild.