Page 29 of The Flirty Vet
Wilby pushes his third plate away, and as he reaches for his fourth, asks, "What's your favourite feeling in the world from the following two options: an orgasm, or uncontrollable, side-splitting laughter?"
"Excuse me?"
"I know you heard me. If you had to choose, which would you pick, and why?"
"I don't know. I like laughing." I lower my voice since we're not alone. "And I like coming. So I can't choose. You tell me first."
"Orgasms for sure. I give great ones…even to myself."
I roll my eyes.
"Back to you," he says.
I spear a cherry tomato with my fork and glide it through some ranch dressing. "Neither."
"You asked me what my favorite feeling in the world is. I like both of those things, but neither one is my favorite."
"What is, then?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first call for all passengers on flight QF516 flying from Sydney to Brisbane. Boarding will commence shortly. We invite any passengers requiring assistance, Platinum and Platinum One members, as well as guests seated in business class to make their way to Gate T3G."
I close my eyes. "Fuck."
"You'll be okay, mate." A warm hand slides down my back. "You're on the VIP package, remember? Nothing bad can happen to ya while you're Down Under. I personally guarantee it."
I take a breath and open my eyes. "Thanks, Wilby."
We get up and leave the lounge. I start heading toward the gate. Wilby's right by my side. "You're really sweet, but you don't have to walk me to the gate."
"I'm not being sweet." He pops his hands into his pockets and drops his gaze. "I was kind of hoping I might be able to get that kiss. You know, to avoid that pesky rescheduling fee."
We stop walking and move aside so we don't get crushed by the stream of people rushing to catch their flights.
"Thank you," I say.
"For what?"
"I already know that whatever else happens on this trip, you've made my first two days in Australia a highlight for sure."
He smiles cheekily. "Is this your idea of verbal foreplay?"
"Depends." I chuckle. "I know you respond well to compliments, but do they also turn you on?"
"Youturn me on."
I've never been a huge fan of PDAs, but fuck it, these are the final few minutes I'll ever spend with Wilby. I yank his neck and fuse our mouths together. As his hands grip my waist, his tongue surges into my mouth. Man, does he know how to kiss.
It's frenzied and hot and passionate, and even though it was longer than our first blip of a kiss in the ocean, when we pull apart, my chest aches, knowing it was nowhere near as long as I wanted. God, I wish last night had turned out differently. We didn't even get the chance to be together.
I twirl a lock of his sandy hair between my fingers. "Sucks I have to leave."
"Then don't." He smiles at me, eyes shining brightly. "Stay here, and let's get married."
"That's the second time you've proposed marriage."
"Are you saying the third time's the charm?"