Page 37 of The Flirty Vet
My neck warms. "Yeah. Maybe."
"Oh, please. No maybe about it. You're into this guy. It's been six weeks and you're still not over it. I'd say you're in big trouble, mister."
"Who's in big trouble?" Dad rolls over and pops his face up to the camera. "Oh, hey, Col. Wow, look at you. So tanned."
"Col's in trouble," Brant tells my dad. "He's still hung up on the guy he met his first night in Oz."
"Who, Shirtless Guy?"
"That's the one. He's just arrived in his hometown."
"The one with the weird name? Buttlescutt? Scamperbottom?" Dad's trying to keep a straight face.
"Scuttlebutt," Brant corrects.
"Still don't think that's the name of a real place."
Brant's eyes go wide. "I literally just said that."
Dad leans over and kisses Brant on the cheek, murmuring something to him I can't hear.
Oh, yeah, my dad and my best friend are together. Have I not mentioned that?
It happened last holidays, but honestly, it's been on the cards for a while, they were both just too blind to see it. They only needed a snowstorm, some time holed up together at my dad's place, and the bestest son and best friend in the world—hi,me!—to help push them together.
Is seeing them together weird for me? Honestly, no.
They're the two best people I know, so I want only the best for them. And if they make one another happy—which they fucking do; I've never seen Dad this happy my whole life, or Brant, for that matter—that's the only thing that counts.
It also helps that we agreed that whatever happens between them in the future—like wedding bells—I willneverbe calling BrantDad.
"What are your plans, son?" Dad turns back to face the camera. "This is the last stop on your trip, right?"
"It is."
"And you're definitely coming back?" Brant asks.
"I am."
"Good. It's bad enough not living in the same city, I couldn't handle not being in the same country. It's been forever since we've spoken like this."
Brant's eyes narrow. "Although, what?"
"My boss has been on my case to consider relocating here. Only for a year…"
"A year?!"
"…Or two."
"Three, tops."
"Are you trying to give your best friend in the world a heart attack?"
"Brant, you've given up acting, remember?"