Page 42 of The Flirty Vet
I get a sudden head rush.
Is it from the surprise of seeing him? Or running up those freaking stairs like my life depended on it?
I sway on my feet but don't let go of his hand. I can't. I need to hold him. Feel him. Maybe I should get him to pinch me on my arse so I know that this is real…
One moment I'm basking in love from my adoring public after an epic rendition of an under-rated Britney classic, and the next, I spot him standing in the back, smiling at me, looking at me.
The one with the eyes.
And fuck me, how embarrassing was it for my fellow Scuttlebuttians to be acting all…Scuttlebuttian like that? Believe me, I'll be giving a few people a strict talking to in the coming days.
It's so much to process. I blink a few times, trying to collect myself.
"You okay, Wilby?"
I finally let go of Col's hand. "I… I just can't believe you're here."
"Most of Scuttlebutt can't believe I'm here."
My ears burn hard. Me and my bloody big mouth. "I didn't think we'd ever…"
"Relax. It's okay."
"When did you make the connection?"
"I only figured out why Scuttlebutt sounded familiar when I checked my work itinerary." He runs his fingers over my belt. "I was hoping this place was small enough that we'd bump into each other."
"That right?" I say, starting to come back into my body. Could be that I'm getting a lift from that unmistakable fire igniting those fucking beautiful eyes.
His eyebrow lifts as he hooks a finger into a belt loop, right near the front.
My cock swells. I guide his hand down to reacquaint him.
Col smirks. "And thereheis."
"He's been a very naughty boy." My voice drops. "He's in need of some very strict discipline."
"Step inside." Col unlocks the door and waves me in. "Your punishment awaits."
The sound of the door shutting behind us snaps me out of whatever reverie I fell into in the hallway, and it's game on like Donkey Kong.
Lips, elbows, limbs, everything is flying every which way, except for our clothes. They're only going in one direction—south onto the floor.
"Strewth," I mutter once we're both naked, taking a few steps back to admire the view in front of me.
"I have no idea what strewth means, so is that a good strewth or a bad strewth?"
"Good." I smack my lips hungrily, my eyes combing over every square inch of Col's body. "Very,verygood."
Despite copping an eyeful of him at Bondi—as well as getting a handful in the ocean—this is different.
We're alone now. I don't have to share him with the world, or any pesky, horny tourists.
And unlike back in his hotel room that first night in Sydney, I'm in full control of my faculties.
I can do anything I want to him.