Page 68 of The Flirty Vet
"Thanks for everything, Gran." Wilby gives her a big hug and kiss, and my heart warms seeing how affectionate he is with her.
"Just one thing," she says, taking hold of my arm. "I saw you hitting Wilby."
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Everything had been going so well. I stop breathing as she leans in and looks up at me seriously. "Next time, put some more elbow into it. He's built like a shithouse so he won't feel a pissy little slap."
I let out a relieved laugh. "Noted."
We wave her off, then head inside.
"Where does she live?" I ask, as Wilby takes out the tray of mac and cheese his grandma left for us in the oven.
He plates up two hearty portions. "In a small cottage ten minutes due south. Still on our property. It's where she and Grandpa lived."
"I see."
"Here." He hands me the plate with the bigger serving. "You have this one."
"You sure?"
He smiles. "Yeah. I'm sure."
"Thanks for helping me out with Kolby before," he says, as we sit down at the kitchen table.
I stop jabbing my fork through the curls of pasta. "Sorry for butting in. You looked like you had it all under control."
"Lookedbeing the operative word." He lets out a heavy breath and drops his volume. "We're worried about Kolby. He's very…up and down."
"I can relate, believe me. I was a very up and down kid."
He stuffs his mouth with some mac and cheese, and I canhearwhat he's thinking.
"Fine. And I can still be up and down as an adult. There. I said it. Happy now?"
"I'm always happy when I'm near you."
"Excuse me?"
He laughs, and fuck being quiet anymore. I bet both kids heard that from their rooms.
Wilby stands, reaches across the table, and frames my face between his hands. "You're…" He's staring at me with the biggest smile on his face. "You don't even realise, do you?"
"Realize what?"
He chuckles. "Just how fucking awesome you are."
After dinner, Wilby washes up while I venture down to Kolby's room to help him with his math.
"How was it?" Wilby asks when I return. I prop my hip against the counter. "It was second grade math, so it's a good thing I helped him and not you. It would've gone straight over your head."
Wilby flicks the washcloth over his shoulder the way his grandmother did. I smile as he reaches me, pushing me up against the counter. His fingers find my throat. "Speaking of head… I believe I owe you a blow job."
"Keeping score, are we?"
He smirks, nibbling at my ear. "Always."
We get interrupted by Kolby. "I've finished my homework."