Page 19 of Outcast
“She’s suffocating,” I gasped, feeling her panic like it was my own. My breath came out in pants as I hurried towards her location.
Ahead we could hear male voices, some laughing.
“Ember,” Kieran said.
“I hear them,” I said. “She’s there. They’ve got her tied up and, in a bag, or something. I have to rescue her.”
“We can’t just run in without knowing what we’re running into,” Kieran said sternly.
“No. Air. Help.”
Her last word came out as a squeak.
“Stay here then,” I said, and increased my speed, running as fast as I could into the opening before us.
Three vehicles had their headlights pointed in a circle; seven males stood around something on the ground.
No, not something. Someone. A wolf with a bag over her head.
Running forward, I slid on my knees between two men and jerked the bag off of the wolf’s head.
She took in a huge gasping breath and coughed violently afterwards, immediately shifting into her human form.
“What the fuck? Who are you?” one of the men asked and reached towards me.
I slammed my palms into the ground, and rocks shot up around the woman and I in a box, cutting them off from us. With a flick of my hand, the rocks shot outwards, away from the woman and I, sending the men flying into their vehicles, a few flying between the vehicles and away from us.
They yelled in shock and pain, but I didn’t care. I only cared about the woman.
She had a gag in her mouth that I cut off with my pocketknife and then began cutting the zip ties on her hands and the ones on her legs as well. “Thank you. Thank you,” she whispered.
“I’m going to take you to my house to look at your wounds,” I told her and helped her stand.
She nodded and huddled against me, shaking.
A fist flew at my face, but I used my telekinesis to misdirect it and caused the man attempting to attack me to stumble away from us.
“Piss off,” I snapped and resumed walking her towards my house. “You’re trespassing on private property and if you don’t leave in the next thirty seconds, I will use whatever force I deem necessary.”
The man tried to attack me again, but Branson stepped between us and punched him in the face, knocking him onto his back.
“Thank you, Branson,” I called over my shoulder as I kept walking the terrified woman away from the men. I had to have faith they would protect my back.
A man dropped out of the trees in front of us, a sword in his hand and tried to stab the woman.
I shoved her out of the way, only to end up being the one stabbed by the sword.
The man screamed as Kieran in hawk form attacked his face with his talons.
Clutching the spot around the sword, I took a shuddering breath. “Crap.”
Riddick caught me as I fell backwards, his eyes widening when he saw the sword in my stomach. “Ember, wh?—”
“Don’t pull it out until you are ready to apply pressure and … and …”
Unconsciousness pulled at me, stopping my words. My breathing became labored and I heard rattling in my breaths.
“We’ve got to get her to a hospital,” Riddick yelled at someone.