Page 4 of Outcast
Tilting my chin up, I opened my eyes to look at him, finding a curious expression on his face. “I’m just a woman who helps injured animals recuperate. Sometimes, those animals turn out to be hybrid shifters, like Branson and Kieran … and yourself. I don’t heal magically, I wish I could, but I studied medicine and am a certified nurse.”
“You’re unmated?”
I nodded. “I am.”
The blunt question caught me off guard for a beat before I burst into laughter. I wiped my eyes and said, “I’ve asked myself that many times. However, I know not many are interested in the evil witch in the woods, and those brought here don’t tend to stay very long, opting to return back to their lives and their families.” I shrugged. “I suppose I’ll find my mate eventually, or live out my life as I have been.”
“You aren’t a hybrid?” he asked, his head tilted slightly.
“My parents were human, but when they discovered I was a mage, they had me extensively tested. The only thing they could find was that I was a mage, but never confirmed where that bloodline came from. Mother was staunchly resolute that there had been no affair.” I shrugged. “But who knows?”
“Do you have a phone I could use? The prince is likely worried about me, since I haven’t reported in for a few days.”
The topic shift was a welcome one. “In your room, your cell phone is charging on the bedside table. I kept it turned off so it wouldn’t wake you up, but it should be fully charged.”
Without waiting for his response, I hurried to the next room to check on my next patient.
Branson still hadn’t returned by dinner time and my worry grew as the sun set. Grabbing my backpack, I put my medical kit, a flare gun, some food, rope, and a handgun inside.
When I turned towards the door however, it was to find Kieran with his arms crossed over his chest.
A large sigh leaked out of me, coming from deep within my chest. “You’re not going to stop me, Kieran. I’m going to go look for him.”
“It’s dark, you won’t be able to find him,” he argued. “Wait until sunrise.”
Pointing my fingers at him, I used my telekinesis to pick him up and move him out of the way of the door. “No. He could be injured, bleeding out somewhere.”
“He’s a shifter, he’s not going to bleed out,” Kieran argued and struggled against my magical hold.
“What’s going on?” Riddick asked as he stepped into the living room. He’d showered and changed into a fresh pair of sweats and, sadly, put on a t-shirt.
“Branson’s not back, so I’m going to look for him. There’s food in the fridge if you get hungry. If you leave before I get back,please stay safe.” I raised a hand in goodbye and opened the front door.
“Let me go with you. I’ve got excellent night vision,” he said and stepped in front of me.
Idespisedhow much faster than me they were. “You were injured and?—”
“And I’m one hundred percent better thanks to you. Consider it my way of thanking you,” he said, smiling sweetly.
“The prince won’t take kindly to you endangering yourself for me.” It was a guess; I didn’t know the first thing about Prince Caleb.
He scoffed and said, “You clearly don’t know him. If he were here, he’d be out the door already searching for your friend and trying to convince you to stay behind. Come on, let’s go together.”
It would be nice to have another person at my back. Poor Kieran couldn’t see well at night, so bringing him was out of the question. “Fine.”
His smile was brilliant as he grabbed his shoes and put them on. “Great.”
Kieran frowned deeply and I released him from my hold.
I stepped outside, but heard Riddick tell Kieran, “I’ll keep her safe, man. Don’t worry.”