Page 47 of Outcast
Now my cheeks were positively burning.
“I’m leaving with him as well,” Percival admitted and hugged me. “Turns out our families live in the same town.”
My heart twinged a bit, for some reason I had expected him to stay, but I supposed our new path wasn’t for everyone. I returned his hug and said, “I’m glad you made your decision and I hope you find a path that you truly enjoy. Perhaps something a little more entertaining than accounting.”
He chuckled and shook his head as he stepped back. “After this week, I think a little boring is in need.” He winked and returned to his seat.
Riddick stood and put his hand on my lower back. “Let me escort you to your room. Knowing you, something else crazy will happen.”
I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t deny the statement after the recent events.
We walked silently down the hallway, in the elevator, and to my door.
At my door, I turned and asked, “Who of the rest are joining Caleb’s mission?”
He smirked. “You could have asked at dinner.”
Glancing down at my shoes I said, “Yes, well, I didn’t.”
“Well, our group now consists of Caleb, me, you, Triston, and Branson.”
Head snapping upwards, my mouth open, I asked, “Are you serious?”
He nodded, put his hand against the door by my head, pinning me between the door and his body and added, “And all of us already had a long talk about our intentions towards you and if anyone had any issues … sharing.”
I swallowed hard, a lump suddenly in my throat as I waited for him to continue talking.
Shifting his body, he pressed closer, our breath mingling as we stood barely separated. “We’ve all agreed that we are committed not only to the cause, saving fellow hybrids, but also to seeing where this will go. It seems that the pull I’ve felt to you since I woke up in your house has been felt by the others as well. In fact, it’s the first time I’ve seen Caleb interested in a woman … ever. While we all know that relationships take effort and things may not work out for some of us or all of us, one thing is certain …”
“What is that?” I asked when he didn’t continue.
He tilted his head so our lips touched as he answered, “We would rather try and fail than walk away from what could possibly be the greatest relationship we’ve ever known with a truly amazing woman.”
Before I could even contemplate a response, he kissed me, pressing his body against mine and continued kissing me until I was dizzy.
He stepped back, a smug smile on his slightly swollen lips and said, “Good night, Ember.”
“Night,” I breathed and it took me four tries to get my door open and I immediately slumped against it once closed on the other side.
Things had changed so quickly in my life. I’d gone from an oddball mage, worried about a few unconscious shifters, keeping herself entertained in the middle of the woods, to a member of a special force headed by Prince Caleb and being courted by the prince as well as four other men.
Just as I stood, heart no longer pounding, someone knocked on the door.
I threw it open, expecting one of the guys, but my mouth dropped when I instead found my father. “Dad?” I asked.
Another man, one I didn’t recognize, darted forward and stabbed a needle into my arm.
As quickly as I could, I knocked him back with my powers; his body and my father’s slammed against the hallway wall, but the damage had been done.
I fell to my knees and tried to call out for someone, anyone, but the drugs they gave me were fast acting and I was unconscious before I could do anything.
“Wake up, Ember,” Dad ordered.
I groaned as my sluggish brain came back online, my wonderful dream of swimming with Caleb and Riddick ruined by my father’s voice. “Five more minutes.”