Page 75 of Outcast
Still not tired, they started telling me childhood stories, and it wasn’t long before I was rolling on the ground laughing at their antics.
“You were quite the hellions. Your poor parents.”
Caleb shrugged. “Papa Dan said it was their payback for being such trouble when they were all kids.”
They started to tell me other stories, but my exhaustion hit and Riddick picked me up and put me in the bed, curling up behind me. “Sweet dreams, Ember.”
Caleb turned off the light and climbed in on my other side, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Good night, Emmy.”
Emmy wasn’t a nickname I’d heard before and the way he said it made me smile.
“Night,” I whispered.
Caleb and Riddick met with the princes and kings to discuss the bond while Triston, Branson, and I went to training with Jolie and Leona.
Turned out Jolie was a bad ass fighter for certain in her own right.
The three of us were coated in sweat, panting, and trying to catch our breath while she looked fresh as a daisy after the snow melts.
“How do you have so much stamina?” I asked with a gasp.
“She cheats,” Leona said matter-of-factly as she inspected her nails.
“What?” I asked.
Jolie chuckled. “I use my bonds with my mates to draw on their strengths, powers, and more. It is what allows me to shift into all of their forms as well as increase my stamina and strength. Without it, I wouldn’t last more than a few seconds against any of you.”
“Unless she starts singing,” Leona said with a proud smile. “Then everyone is doomed.
“Will I learn siren songs?” I asked.
They both nodded.
“When you’re a bit more trained,” Leona amended.
I supposed that did make sense. Wouldn’t want to give me powers I couldn’t handle, after all.
“Let’s end for today,” Jolie said and dusted off her pants. “Branson, you’ve improved a lot. I’m impressed.”
He bowed at the waist. “Thank you, Princess.”
She tsked. “Jolie, remember?”
He flinched and nodded, but didn’t say it.
She rolled her eyes, draped an arm around my shoulders, and tugged me towards the house. “Let’s get some grub! I’m starving.”
There were far fewer people today, which allowed me to breathe a little easier. The only people in the dining room were Thor and another werewolf alpha I hadn’t met before.
Thor smiled as we entered. “Good morning, Jolie. Ember.”
I dipped my head. “Morning, Thor.”
The other alpha tilted his head as he looked at me. “You’re new.”