Page 79 of Outcast
“Why would you need a bodyguard?” I asked. “Wait, do you not know how to drive?”
“I have a license and am an excellent driver,” Caleb said.
“He’s a speed demon,” Riddick countered.
“I don’tneeda bodyguard, but there are a lot of times that having another person with you is useful. Being royalty isn’t all fun and sunshine.”
“Wouldn’t Riddick be your bodyguard?” I asked.
“Riddick doesn’t count,” Ezio said. “He’s too inexperienced still, not trained enough yet to spot all the potential signs of attack and formulate a way out. There are a lot of people who don’t like the royal families and will take whatever chances they can get to hurt them.”
That made sense. Not only organizations like the H.E. were upset with the way that the royals handled things. It was average members of each of the factions and a lot of humans as well who disliked them.
“I’m not a child anymore, Ezio. I run missions on my own,” Riddick said with a deep scowl.
“Sorry, kid, wasn’t trying to belittle you,” Ezio said.
“How far is the mall?” I asked.
“Only about twenty minutes,” Riddick answered.
Sighing, I leaned my head back on the seat and closed my eyes. “Too close for a nap, then.”
“Are you that tired from your training today?” Caleb asked, concern in his voice. “Do I need to tell Mom to slow down? She does tend to go overboard at times.”
“No, I’m just used to being lazy,” I said. “I took like four naps a day back home. Not too much to do when you’re in the middle of the woods and you don’t have any patients. Sometimes I’d go months without a patient.”
“Oh, speaking of that, Nana Kara spoke to Dad, who told her that he thinks you can learn healing magic. Nana said she wants you to come visit her when you’re ready to learn.”
“Wait, seriously?” I asked, sitting up and turning to face him.
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“I definitely want to learn healing magic as soon as possible.” Healing was so handy in so many situations.
“We’ve got to move into the apartments soon, so can it wait until after that?” Riddick asked. “While I love my aunt and uncles, that house is too full of people all of the time.”
Ezio chuckled.
“It would be nice to have a little more seclusion,” I admitted.
“I think you needlessseclusion,” Caleb countered and put his arm around my shoulders, tugging me against his side. “You were alone too long. We’ve got to get you reacquainted with people.”
“I prefer animals. Animals are easier than people,” I muttered and turned my head to looked out the window.
“Did Deryn find anything about her birth certificate yet?” Riddick asked Caleb.
Caleb pulled out his phone. “I forgot to ask. I’ll message him and see.”
“Maybe I should get a phone, too,” I whispered and tapped my chin. “I only had a landline at the house because of the limited service up there. Now that I’m in the city, maybe it’s a good idea to get one.”
“I would feel better if you had one,” Riddick said.
“Even though you can find me?” I asked.
“There are some types of bonds that can be blocked by magic and since ours is … special, we don’t know if it could be one of them. I’d feel better if you had a phone as well, in case you need to call us. Plus, it’s handy for messaging when you aren’t together.”
“Planning on ditching me again?” I asked.