Page 9 of Outcast
My eyes widened and I gasped. Grabbing my bag, I leapt from the roof and ran inside the house, dropping the bag on the living room floor as I did. Once in the hallway, I slid to a stop at the sight of a man crouched down, snarling. I smiled wide. “Hello, friend. You’re probably very hungry. Let me grab you some food and water. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Who are you people?” he asked and clutched at his head.
“I’m Ember Jasperwood. This is my home. You were brought to me, injured and unconscious, so I patched you up and kept you safe.”
His lip lowered from its snarl and he tilted his head as he looked at me. “You kept me safe?”
I nodded. “I treat injured animals, shifters, and hybrids. That’s my job here in the woods.”
“What about them?” he asked, looking at Branson and Kieran.
“Same as you,” Branson answered. “Dropped off here and treated by Ember.”
“Who dropped me off?” the wolf asked and stood.
Shrugging, I turned to head to the kitchen. “No clue, but let’s focus on getting you food first. You can ask questions after your belly is full.”
“Are you okay with us leaving?” Kieran asked, eyeing the wolf hybrid who had followed me to the kitchen.
“What’s your name?” I asked the wolf.
“Percival,” he answered.
“Are you going to harm me, Percival?”
He frowned. “No, why would I hurt you?”
I looked at Kieran and smiled. “See, you don’t need to worry. Our new friend won’t hurt me.”
Percival sat on a stool at the kitchen counter and watched me silently as I took out items to make breakfast for us both.
“Remember, call if you need anything and we’ll come back,” Kieran said. He raised his hand as if he was going to reach out to me, but clenched his hand into a fist and lowered it by his side.
“You three stay safe while searching, okay? That creature isn’t a normal bear, clearly since he defeated Branson.”
Branson flinched and I felt bad for reminding him, but I had to make sure they stayed safe.
“We’ll have each other’s backs,” Kieran said. “Don’t worry about us.”
Branson left without even looking at me, and I felt that pain in my chest expand even more.
“Do you get a lot of injured people dropped on your doorstep?” Percival asked.
“Yes. The city nearby doesn’t like hybrids or shifters much, and I’m the nearest medically trained person who doesn’t have a bias. Sometimes I get brought animals mistaken for being a shifter, but that’s okay with me. I’ll help whoever or whatever I can.”
“Were those your mates earlier?” he asked, and looked towards the door they’d left through.
What was everyone’s interest in my mating status lately?
“No, I’m not mated. Those two are, like they said, shifters who were brought to me to treat. I’m sure they’ll leave soon.” Like all the rest. “You didn’t have a cell phone on you, but you can borrow my phone to call someone. I’m sure your family or friends are worried about you. You’ve been here several days now.”
“Days?” he asked, eyes wide.
I set his plate of food on the counter before him and nodded. “Yes. The phone is over there.” I pointed at the landline I had. “Excuse me, but I need to check on another patient.”
“Thank you,” Percival said quietly. “I appreciate your kindness.”
Turning, I smiled warmly at him. “We all need a little kindness in our lives. Before you leave, could you let me know? That way I won’t be worried that you’re missing?”