Page 95 of Outcast
Jolie nodded. “She’s right. However, it is painfully obvious that you somehow developed a bond similar to the one I had with my mates when we were dating. So …” she winked, “… make those boys work to prove it to you.”
I opened my arms and both Jolie and Leona stepped forward and hugged me. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, sirenling. Every girl needs her own supportive group. We will be that until you can find your own,” Leona said.
“Okay,” Jolie stepped back and fanned her eyes. “We better go or I’m going to cry and ruin my makeup.”
I had to blink away tears as well and laughed softly. “Good idea.”
The ballroom was buzzing with music and voices as we approached. Leona had her arm looped through mine and she squeezed it when she felt me tense. “Deep, even breaths. You’ll be okay. We’re here, remember?”
I nodded and smiled up at her. “Right.”
The doors opened and we walked in. At least one hundred people filled the room, the majority people I had never seen before and had no clue who they were.
Leona pulled me along, plastering a smile on her face I mimicked. We got to the bar and she got us both sparkling wine. After clinking our glasses together, we both downed the drink in one gulp. Warmth spread through my stomach and I felt myself relax a little.
“Liquid courage helps on occasion,” she said with a wink. “Just don’t overindulge.”
“I didn’t know a goddess was going to be in attendance tonight,” Thor said as he stepped up beside Leona. “How may I serve thee, oh beautiful, goddess?”
“You can worship me later tonight,” she said and stroked a finger down his suit lapel. “On your knees, in that suit.”
I choked on my next drink of wine and she laughed and turned to help me wipe the bar top that I’d spit a bit out on.
“Please excuse my uncle and aunt,” Caleb said from behind me. “They don’t know the meaning of acting appropriate.”
I spun around and he sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes roving from my head down my body to my feet and back up.
Dropping to one knee, he took one of my hands, kissed my knuckles and said, “My lady, you are the embodiment of beauty. The gods must have wept when they created you, an act of perfection.”
My heart pounded in my chest as I looked down at the prince in his black suit with a white shirt, his hair styled perfectly, and cuff links in the same color as my dress. He’d matched me.
Cameras flashed, capturing the prince on a knee before me, kissing my hand, and I wanted to grab my phone to immediately download the image.
Caleb got to his feet, slipped his arm around my waist, and pulled me flush against his body.
Warmth pooled between my legs as he pressed his lips to my jaw and leaned to whisper in my ear, “I’d planned to ripthat dress off of you when we got to our room, but I’ve decided instead that I’d rather you keep it on.”
My breath hitched and I put a hand on his chest to steady myself. I had never swooned in my entire life, but here I was … swooning.
“Now who’s behaving inappropriately,” Thor muttered.
Caleb leaned back, smiling like a cat who ate the canary. Taking another step back, he bowed and held out a hand. “May I have this dance?”
I set my hand in his and said, “Yes, please.”
“No necking on the dancefloor,” Leona ordered us as we walked away.
“No promises, Auntie,” Caleb called over his shoulder and raised a hand in a wave as he pulled me through the crowd. Well, the crowd parted for him, so it was more like he pulled me through an opening path that closed back up behind me.
Once on the dance floor, he spun around, put his hand on my waist, and took my other hand. “Keep your eyes on me, Emmy. Only me.”
I nodded and swallowed hard, realizing the nerves of being around so many people must have started showing.
He nodded in return and started moving. We danced around the room, spinning to the music, and it was like we were the only two there. Everything else disappeared as I stared into his eyes and let him lead me in the dance. He spun me twice and I didn’t even stumble. When the song ended, my face hurt from smiling so wide.
“May I cut in?” Riddick asked behind me.