Page 42 of Virtuous Vows
I feel Dawson stiffen behind me, and I’m not sure if she believes my lie because she eyes him with a narrowed gaze before she pins her gaze back on me.
“Are you sure that’s a smart idea? Your dates with Kit have been going well.”
“I know. And I like him. I’m just, you know… playing the field, as they say,” I tell her and reach for the car door Dawson is holding open. Dawson steps away and walks around to the driver’s side.
My sister eyes him the entire time. “Does Marco know about this?” she asks.
I bite my bottom lip.Fuck. “He’s taking a nap right now.”
Her brows furrow. “You spiked him?”
“Shh,” I say, as if someone might hear.
“Honey, what the fuck?” she demands.
“I want some space for myself for once, okay?” And that’s not a lie. She shoots a death glare at Dawson. Her mistrust of the situation isn’t at all misplaced. “Rya, I’m an adult. I’m sick of being followed everywhere. I love Marco like he’s family, but I should be able to go on a normal date.”
She tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. “But you’re not a normal girl, Honey. And Dawson isn’t normal either.”
He scoffs at that, and I can’t help but smile because I know she understands. “I know that. But please… I feel suffocated. I want to live freely. Like you have all these years.”
She crosses her arms over her chest. “You know father won’t be pleased when he finds out.”
“So let him bedisappointed in me for once.”
She sighs. “I get it. But next time, let’s think of another way to get distance from Marco. What you did breaks trust on so many levels.”
“In my defense, he probably hasn’t had a decent sleep since our father forced him into this role.”
She nods once as if in agreement. “But it still doesn’t make it okay. And you…” She points at Dawson. “So help me, Dawson, if you hurt my baby sister, I will find a way to put you behind bars…for life.”
He laughs it off, and that only seems to irritate Rya more. Although, I sense he takes her threat seriously. Where Crue might threaten, Dawson swipes it away. Both are equally infuriating.
But tonight serves a purpose.
“Have a good night,” I tell her, clicking my seat belt into place. I take a shaky breath, and Dawson whistles as he drives off.
“You didn’t tell me you were going to literally put your bodyguard to sleep,” he scolds.
“Shut up.” I swat his comment away as if I don’t already feel bad enough about it. But the store clerk told me it was harmless. I’m twenty-seven years old, and I know Marco wouldn’t let me go anywhere if he suspected. A date here and there, he might be fine with. But a date with Dawson? That’s a big fat no, in his opinion. “There’s no way my father can find out about tonight. For both of our sakes.”
I feel selfish putting Dawson in thisposition, but I’m grateful he took my request seriously. I’ve been mentally preparing myself all week.
I turn to see his hands glued to the steering wheel and his jaw locked tight.
“Are you mad because of my father?” I ask. I want to reach for his hand but think better of it. Tonight will kill whatever lies between us. I won’t ever see him again. He’ll get his cut of money. I’ll be a free woman and wealthy woman too.
“No, I’m not mad about that.” His grip eases, and whatever he was thinking about seems to have left his mind for now.
“Is it because I’ve put you in a bad position?”
He then looks at me, surprise in his gaze. “No, Honey. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
It feels intimate, the way he says my name. I want to ask more about what’s happening. There’s obviously something going on with him, but I find myself at a loss. No, his problems are his, and I need to focus on mine tonight. I take his advice seriously, needing to mentally prepare myself for tonight.
We drive in silence for thirty minutes before arriving at a mansion. Someone is waiting and opens my door before Dawson can get there.
“Welcome, Miss Ricci.” I nod to the man dressed in a suit.