Page 57 of H E R
“From where, thirty miles away with super binoculars?” I shake my head. “Look over the file yourself. I went over it with a lice comb and checked each piece of evidence myself.”
The idiot who referred to me as Prada, which, by the way, is not what I’m wearing, snatches the binder up and roams through the pages. I made sure to include fresh photos and thorough records. “Noah is a petty crime incubator. He couldn’t possibly have orchestrated an electrical fire, disarmed men, beat their asses,andshot them. All five? No. He isn’t capable.”
“Huh,” another chimes in. “Well, where was he during all of this?”
I cross my arms and lean on the desk opposite of the small group hovering over my notes. “Page thirty-two. Photos of Noah licking his wounds outside of his neighbor’s house.”
“How the fuck did you manage all of this?”
I check my fingernails and open my palm. The ink on my wrist has faded, and I realize I’ll need to retouch my hand tattoos soon. I turn my hand over to examine the spiral better. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to hold a workshop that will instruct on proper methods and techniques when conducting an investigation. Use a recording app so you don’t miss anything.”
The fucker stands tall and actually begins to approach me. He’s all blotchy in the face and I stifle a laugh.
“What about his little girlfriend?”
I stand and get ready to punch him in the face when Lieutenant Bauer reacts and rushes to put a hand on his chest.
I shake the feeling of wanting to smash his face in. “The file on Mayor Carlton’s daughters is with the Captain. He asked for it to be directly handed to him.”
Every detective freezes, and Bauer takes a guarded step toward me. “You found them?”
I shrug. “You’ll have to ask the Captain.”
A few of the cops nearby snort or make frustrated grunts, the nosy detectives crowding my space make similar reactions. But Bauer just stares at me and smiles. “Have a good night, Detective Montreal.”
I nod and make my way out of there. I’m eager to catch up with Jason before either of us enters the club tonight. He’s bound to stand out, the fucker always does. Aside from his fancy wheelchair, he’s always the fucking life of a party. People are drawn to him like moths to a light. If anything, his chair further highlights his lively and amusing personality. He always has one good story after another.
He’s the yang to my yin.
I park my car in its usual spot and head over to his massive truck and he unlocks the door. He’s looking over the file I emailed him.
“Keep your attention on those elite guests. Don’t be fooled by Dominica, she’s a fucking wolf decadently dressed in fleece.”
Jason nods and then peers at me from under his lashes. His gray eyes wary.
He sighs and I instantly know there’s a problem. “What?”
“Liv knows who installed the block.”
“Well, then? Who is it?”
He shakes his head. “She won’t say.”
“Why the fuck not?” I growl and the truck moves with my outburst.
Jason raises his hands. “Best she can do is keep tabs on the phone’s location. She won’t touch the code guarding it.”
I breathe out through my teeth. “Will she at least tell mewhy?”
“Yea, she says to come over for lunch tomorrow and she’ll tell you all about it.”
Seriously? If Olivia knows who created the block and decided to protect them, that means she knows who they are.Fuck. “I’ll be there.”
“Great! We’re makingla bandera. It’s white rice,beans—”
“I know what it is,” I snap.
“Right.” He nods and then opens his laptop. “There’s something you should take a look at before heading in.”