Page 85 of H E R
He moves my hair off my shoulder, removes my mask, and presses his lips to my collarbone. I’m practically panting and he hasn’t even touched me below my neckline. Dylan pinches a few pearls on his way down to my waist, and then he sinks his hand to cup between my legs.
I suck in a breath, shocked, and he mouths, “two minutes”. No way is he promising to make me come in only one-hundred and twenty seconds. I blink away my surprise as he moves my thong to the side and slips one finger in and then out. He smiles at me and licks his lips.
Fuck.I’m supposed to keep quiet during all of this? I press my lips together as Dylan nibbles on my shoulder and slowly slides his finger back and forth, smoothing my wetness in a way that makes my cheeks redden with mortification. My body loves what he’s doing and I’m frozen, unable to stop him.
What is it with Dylan taking me wherever the fuck he pleases, and why do I let him? Oh right, because I’m a shameless slut. What would my therapist say? Somewhere in the back of my mind, the harlot in me writhes and smiles wickedly;his slut, she purrs.
Damn if she isn’t right. I couldn’t care less where I’m at as long as I’m in Dylan’s arms.
He glides his thumb over my clit suddenly and begins to gently rub the area in small circles. He slips his finger inside me, and then another. So now two fingers pump in and out; at the same time, he keeps a steady rhythm over my clit. A cool and numbing sensation begins to coil inside me, and I know soon it will let loose and take over.
It can’t fucking be. I haven’t been counting, but I’m sure not even a minute has passed.
“So wet,” he mouths. “Open your eyes, little fox.”
I don’t want to comply, but I belong to him in a way my subconscious has adamantly accepted. My lids flutter open, and I find him staring into my fucking soul, guiding me to complete bliss. My lips feel dry and when I part them, an unabashed moan slips out.
“That’s it,” he croons. “Come for me.”
I bite my lip, forgetting why I was supposed to stay quiet to begin with, and focus on the intense feeling at my center as all the blood in my body goes to where Dylan’s fingers work me. I’m practically writhing. My hips move on their own accord, a frenzy taking over as my insides explode with sheer pleasure.
“Yes, good girl.”
His voice sounds strained, raspy, and I realize in my euphoric state that I’ve wrapped the long chain around my fist and I’ve been tugging on it. I’mchokinghim.
I’m done. I yell out his name.Yell,and then melt against his hard chest. My pussy pulsates around his fingers, and I think my body is ticking to its rhythm. A hazy, blissful, and lazy feeling encompasses me, and it registers that I’m fucking smiling into the folds of Dylan’s shirt.
He slips his fingers out and licks them clean, a satisfied grin splayed on his perfect face. Dylan looks down at his watch and nods approvingly. He unclasps the chain attached to the collar and drapes it over my shoulder. “I’ll wait outside.”
I glance at my own watch, thirty seconds to spare.Fuck.
Dylan steps out, and I know he’s standing on the other side of the door I just locked. I freshen up, a stupid grin on my flushed face, and I stare into the oval mirror above the sink. My makeup is somehow still as it was when Olivia expertly applied it. I smooth my hands over my hair, adjust the faux, pearl-made top, and make sure the skirt slit is where it was meant to be.
The ear canal housing Sara’s device beeps softly. “Welcome back, Justice.”
Jason.Oh shit.I clear my throat nervously.
“Don’t worry, I turned both of your devices off. Dylan would fill my ears with acid if I would’ve kept connectivity—literally.”
I laugh. “Good to know.”
Once my mask is on, I open the door and find Dylan guarding the entryway. I know we have to keep up with appearances and that he is here as mypet,but a sensation, similar to a buzz or a high, builds as I gather the chain and clasp it back to his collar.
Jason sighs. “You look like a fucking bodyguard, D. Ease up.”
Dylan ignores him. He reaches for my hair and gathers a few strands to place them over my shoulder. “Feeling better?”
My cheeks burn, but I nod. I tug on the chain roughly and the action forces him to bend down slightly. His nostrils flare, and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing. “My pet knows best. Perhaps I’ll reward you like the good boy you are.”
Dylan’s lip furls and he opens his mouth to retort, I’m sure, when Jason interrupts. “You two got company coming your way.”
I turn, and behind me, Dylan straightens. My eyes widen when I realize who it is.El cerro,accompanied by Charles, Piper’s man.
Ifollow close behind Niki and keep my eyes on her back. If I look at Carlton, I’ll rip his fucking throat open. He’s never seen my face in person, though we’ve had plenty of on-screen meetings. Thankfully, they’ve all been while I’m in a darkened room, with my best attire that kept all of my tattoos hidden. He won’t recognize the man standing behind the beautiful woman he’s talking to. My woman.