Page 19 of Virgin Pass
Chapter Nine
I decideto meet Brad at the Elite Sports HQ, and I “borrow” one of the other agents’ offices to do it. No way am I going to let Brad King see me in the dinky little closet I’ve been assigned. I don’t mind my office usually—I’m never here. But for a meeting with someone used to dealing with agents with balls? Oh, yeah. I need to be strong. Fierce, even. I saw how Austin looked when he noticed us together, and my entire body was electrified with the intensity of his stare. So I need to keep Brad interested just long enough for Austin to make his move—and I pray Austin will make his move soon.
Until then, I need to put on a show.
I’ve got that show totally scripted, too. Right down to Brad showing up in four, three, two, one…
The door opens, and the receptionist steps in, her eyes wide as her gaze connects with mine for a half second of silent apology, before turning to the man coming in behind her. “A pleasure as always, Mr. Striker.”
I’m on my feet in a flash. “Austin?” I squeak as the door shuts behind him. “What are you doing here?”
“You gotta nice place here, MissConnor,” he says, looking around the impressive office before turning his attention back to me. It’s not as nice as my office in his house, but it’s the best I can do here. “And that’s a really nice pants suit. I don’t think I’ve seen that one before. Kind of…mannish.”
My cheeks burn. He knows this isn’t my office, and no, he’s never seen me in this suit, because when I’m around Austin, I break all my own rules. I dress more feminine, definitely sexier, and I style my hair completely differently as well. Because he’s Austin Striker, and not Brad King.
Brad King, who’s due here any second.
“Austin, you’re going to have to leave,” I say hurriedly. I’d wanted Austin to make his move, but I hadn’t expected this! “Eddy’s not in today, but I’m sure if you give him a call he’ll chat with you about whatever you need.”
“Well, maybe I don’t want to chat with Eddy,” Austin says, drilling me with his whiskey eyes as he saunters toward me. “Maybe I want to chat with you.”
He drops into a chair and pats the one next to him. “So come on. Let’s chat.”
“But…” I bite my lip and glance toward the door again, praying that the receptionist keeps Brad occupied if he shows up on time. Of course, Brad’s a rookie quarterback, and they’re notorious for not showing up on time—anywhere—so maybe I’ll be okay. And it’s impossible to deny Austin anything he wants when he’s looking at me like that.
“Fine,” I surrender and move toward the chair, unbuttoning my rigidly structured jacket as I sit. “But I have a new prospective client checking in soon. Brad King.”
Austin ignores the dig. His eyes are on my fingers, then on the hint of silk blouse that peeks out of the suit’s lapels. “Kind of a conservative look for you, don’t you think?”
“For meeting with a new client? I thought you’d appreciate it.” I flatten my hands on my knees, though, feeling the familiar tug of need deep inside me. There’s something about being around Austin I simply can’t resist. Does he know that? He has to know that. He has to know he’s a walking sex toy that barely has to flick on before I’m the one vibrating.
He leans toward me. “Right, so about that new client…”
I realize I’m staring at Austin’s mouth, and I snap my head up to meet his gaze. It’s harder now, more intent, and my heart begins to pound. “Yes?”
“I think you didn’t work real hard on keeping me. I’m a little upset about that.”
“You’re…upset. Oh, dear.” I can’t believe my ears, and excitement has me practically bouncing in my seat. It’s everything I can do not to fling myself at the man, but I try to play it cool, calm. Agent-like. “Well, I think that’s definitely something we should talk about, then. We can’t have you being upset. Unfortunately, we can’t talk now. Brad will be here any minute.”
He shrugs again. “No, he won’t.”
I stare. “He won’t?” A thrill skates along my nerves but worry as well. “What did you do to him?”
Austin laughs, the sound full and rich, and waves me off. “Nothing like what you’re imagining, I assure you. He’s a punk, but he’s a kid. I was a kid a few years ago too. I get it. I don’t have anything against the guy. I merely gave him a reason to be…distracted.”
My eyes widen. “Distracted how?”
“Well, he may be a rookie, and he may be holding out on his contract, but he still has an awful lot of fans. Fans who adore him. Who’ll do anything for him. And, you know, he’s not in college anymore. He can make his own choices about how he spends his time and who he spends his time with.”
My grip on my chair tightens as I realize what he’s done. “You sicced the groupies on him.”
Austin grins at me. “Only the prettiest ones. He’ll be busy for a while.”
“Oh. Well, in that case—” My words are cut off as Austin leans forward, his expression shifting to one of complete and total focus.
“Like I said, we need to negotiate. I want you back as my agent, Lori. What’ll it take?”