Page 12 of Sweet Release
She rolls her eyes. “You’ll just make fun of me.”
That’s the last thing I plan to do with this information. “Try me.”
“It’s…” she pauses to look at me before continuing quietly, “Well, it’s the happy ever after. The way they prove they’re a perfect match even though they’re positive they aren’t.”
“What if one of them is positive they are all along?” I ask, surprising myself.
She blinks at me several times as color splashes her cheeks. “Oh! Umm…well, that’s okay, too.”
I nod as if I understand—and I do, to an extent. I may not understand this need to daydream about the make believe by losing myself in a sappy movie, but I do understand that’s exactly what Iris needs. It’s her personalized fairy tale. She doesn’t have control over her own life, control over her own happy ever after, so she loses herself in the belief that someday her prince will come and rescue her from it all. And like any good, resourceful princess, she keeps planning getaways in case he doesn’t.
But the idea of a prince is good. I can use that to keep her distracted. “I see you’ve given this some thought. Very well, Iris mou. Tonight, I will be your prince.”
She slows. “My what?”
I bow. “Greetings, prinkípissa mou. It is my honor to escort you to the ball.”
“I’m not your princess.”
“Tonight, you are.”
* * *
Iris blends in beautifully with all the other royalty at tonight’s dinner. The designer dresses. The glamourous diamonds adorning so many necks. This would be a jewel thief’s nirvana.
Which is why there are so many armed security guards posted at every door. That’s usually my post, but not tonight. Tonight, my post is by Iris mou’s side. I’ve caught her eyeing exits and know exactly what she’s thinking. Each time she pays more than a few seconds studying a certain area, I channel my inner prince and say something else to pull her attention back to me.
Like now. She’s watching the double doors leading into the kitchen, no doubt contemplating what she’ll find on the other side of those doors to help her escape.
I take her hand and brush my lips across her knuckles, drawing her attention. She smiles cautiously. “What’s gotten into you tonight?”
“You.” I don’t have to think of an answer. That’s the first word to come to me. It’s the only word to come to me. Ever since my lips first touched hers, she’s the only thing that’s gotten into me. “Tell me something about your life back home.”
She draws in a deep breath and holds it. “Home?” The word quivers on her lips. When she attempts to smile, she fails and drops her gaze.
I don’t like to see my Iris like this. “What is it?”
“It’s nothing.”
Leaning closer, I take her other hand. “It is not nothing if it upsets you. Please, Iris. Talk to me.”
Blinking, she studies me. “Are you for real?”
I snap my brow into a frown. “I don’t understand.”
“I mean, is this some sort of assignment for you?”
“This! Me!” She flaps her hand. “From where I come from,” she pauses and looks at me, “—home—” she looks away again, “I don’t usually have anyone pay this much attention to me unless it’s an assignment. It makes it pretty difficult to tell who’s sincere and who’s collecting a paycheck.”
“Perhaps that’s because you don’t stick around long enough for anyone to get to know the true you.” I squeeze her hands and rest my lips to her ear. “I assure you, Iris mou, I haven’t been walking around with a stiff cock since the moment we met to collect a paycheck. You have me in a constant state of arousal, ready to bury my hard flesh deep inside your tight body at a moment’s notice. You say the word and I’ll take you from this party, find a corner away from the crowd, and fuck you until you cry my name.” I dart my tongue out and trace her lobe. “What does my princess think of that?”
“I—uh—I think if you keep talking like that, we won’t make it away from the crowd.” Her eyes sparkle wickedly as she hands me something under the table. I don’t have to see what it is to know it’s her panties. They are wet and I long to pull them to my nose and inhale, taking in her want for me.
“Does Iris mou like it when I talk dirty?”
She nods as a beautiful blush darkens her cheeks. “Does Kristo mou plan to follow through with his talk? Or are they just words?”