Page 19 of Sweet Release
Taavi sighs loudly, and when he speaks, he’s far less Hollywood mafia and far more irritated thug. “Look, we aren’t here to do anything more than present the offer to you. Take or leave it, man. It’s your call.”
“I’m still waiting to hear this offer I won’t be able to refuse,” I counter, keeping my attention on whoever talks, always careful to keep the other in my peripheral.
“As you know,” Lajos begins. “Mr. Siccario has asked you several times to step into the role of one of his enforcers. He’s offered almost everything in his power, in fact.”
I set my jaw, irritated these men dragged me into this room to discuss such a moot point. I’m not interested. Period. “What does this have to do with Iris?”
“She’s now what he’s offering.”
My mouth falls open. I quickly recover and force myself to remain expressionless, still, although it’s like a fucking freight train just slammed into me, backed up, and barreled me over again.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
I shake my head. “No, Lajos. I don’t think I did. Are you saying Mr. Siccario is willing to…what? To give me Iris as payment for becoming an enforcer?” I’ve never been so insulted, not for me, but for my Iris. How dare her great uncle use her like currency! My need to confront my boss grows inside me, tightening my muscles. “He’s willing to give her to someone he’s turning into a killer-for-hire? That’s ridiculous.” I stop myself from spitting on the floor.
“He’s willing to give her the freedom she so desperately wants,” Lajos clarifies.
Taavi, clearly the less-patient of the two, jumps in. “Look, here’s the deal. Agree to become an enforcer for the family and Iris is yours. If you want her—and judging by the way you two were all over each other a minute ago, you do—all you have to do is say yes.”
Holy shit. Holy fuck. Siccario did it, he found the one thing for which I’d break all the rules to call mine. It goes against every moral fiber of my body, but seeing Iris so miserable shatters my heart. I’ll do anything to see she gets her happy ever after, even if that means entering into an agreement I never wanted, swore I’d never do.
I can’t believe I’m considering this, but I have to ensure Iris’s future—even if that future is without me. “If I agree, Iris will never again be asked to fulfill some family obligation? Never again be offered up as some sort of bargaining tool?”
The men smirk. Taavi answers. “That’s up to you, man. Say yes and Mr. Siccario will send Mr. Driver back to Louisiana empty-handed.”
“And if I say no?” I really want to say no as I’ve done so many other times, but I want to save Iris from this dark future more than I want to save my soul from this hell I’m about to agree to. There’s no contest, in fact.
“Then Iris goes to the bayou with the billionaire. You’ll never see her again.”
My heart seizes at the thought of never seeing my Iris again, never touching her or kissing her. I have the chance to save her, to save us. I’m a fool for waiting this long before answering and take a breath.
“Then I will do whatever Falcone Siccario wants to keep Iris—”
The door bursts open and Iris rushes into the room, shouting, “Kristo, no!”