Page 21 of Sweet Release
Before I can speak, however, Kristo firms his hold on me. “Mr. Sicarrio,” he barks, so harshly that my great uncle comes to an abrupt halt. “I have heard your offer. I will do anything to protect your great niece. I love her. I worship her. She is mine, and both her freedom and her safety mean more to me than life itself. Nothing else matters.”
Falcone Sicarrio looks at Kristo with fierce intensity, and I rub the tears out of my eyes, preparing my own verbal assault.
Then my great uncle swings his gaze to me.
“You say you love this man, my beautiful Iris? Even though you’re promised to another?” he asks gruffly, and I practically come out of my skin with my need to answer.
“Yes!” I proclaim. “Yes, Uncle Falcone, I love Kristo Kostas with everything I am, everything I will be. My life means nothing without him—nothing!”
“Very well…” Falcone Siccario says, drawing himself up to his full height. “Then it looks like there’s only one thing that is left to do.”
He gestures to the thugs beside Kristo and I can barely keep from screaming.