Page 9 of Sweet Release
Chapter Five
I stareinto Kristo’s golden brown eyes, my mind racing. He’s not kidding, he’s not going to let me get away from him, and I’m maybe not as disappointed by that as I should be.
A curious thrill of satisfaction slides through me as I settle into his arms. I can enjoy this for at least a little while, I decide. I don’t doubt for a minute that my intended will be announced to me at some kind of fancy party tomorrow night, so I’ll have plenty of opportunities to make my escape then, if not before. And there’s something so primal, so fierce about Kristo, I kind of like the fact he’s got me trapped for the moment.
There’s also the small matter of us both being covered in bits of broken pottery, our clothes totally wrecked. I never attempt an escape unless I’m totally prepared for a quick and graceful exit, but there’s nothing graceful about my position right now.
I glance over to the one doorway that we haven’t crashed into, the one leading to the dressing area of this suite, which I only had time to scan as a likely escape route. It was less than ideal. There are windows, but they’re set high in the walls, affording the space light, but little access to the outside world.
Still…the room does have other benefits.
I lean forward and kiss Kristo lightly on the lips. “I need a shower, and I’m certain you’ll want to protect me in there.”
His eyebrows leap, and I don’t miss his glance to the closed door. “A shower,” he muses. “I suppose we should get you cleaned up.”
I shiver at the insinuation in his voice, and wet heat blankets me from my belly to my thighs. What is it about this man I find so attractive? He’s not the first man I’ve bedded, though the list inarguably isn’t long. But, especially these past few years, I’ve been mostly focused on escaping my bodyguards, not entangling myself with them. I definitely never made the mistake of staging an escape attempt that involved a man—too easy for my family to decide that the embarrassment of me being found in some random man’s arms was cause enough to marry me off and be done with me. No. I’ve been very careful, and I’ll have to be careful with Kristo as well.
Oblivious to my scattered thoughts, he lets me roll away, then springs lightly to his feet beside me. Everything about Kristo screams speed and stealth, and I allow myself a moment to gaze at him in the full sunlight. Tall and sleekly built, with the kind of muscles that speak of a man being able to scale walls and give chase no matter what his quarry, Kristo holds himself with supreme confidence. Guarding, protecting—these are things he knows well. These are his areas of ultimate mastery.
I find myself wondering what else he’s a master of. From what I’ve already experienced…I’m going to like the answer.
Kristo leans over and swipes something up off the floor, and a second later I realize it’s his phone. He stabs out a number, then puts the device to his ear. My eyes fly wide as he speaks. “I need a cleaning detail sent to Ms. Siccario’s room. We’ll remain in the dressing area until you secure the room.”
Someone replies with quick, professional assurance, and Kristo glances at me. “Dinner in the salon will be no problem. Yes. Six o’clock.”
Kristo ends the call and I struggle to keep my satisfaction at a new set of escape opportunities from my face. Nevertheless, I’m not happy about staying in this room. It’s already proven to be a challenge to leave, and being barricaded in the shower area by a phalanx of housecleaners…
“My uncle has many rooms,” I point out. “We don’t have to stay here.”
“He does, but this suite wasn’t chosen for you at random. As you’ve already noticed, it is not an easy drop to the lawn, and the walls on this side of the house are sheer. It’s a beautiful room, or it will be once it gets cleaned up again, and filled with light. I understand you like to sketch.”
I huff out a short, exasperated breath. “Who told you that?”
“It was one of the possibilities to explore in my search for you—that you enjoy sketching streetscapes and outdoor venues.”
Well, that’s true enough. Eventually, when my checked baggage finds its way to Uncle Falcone, I’ll recover my sketching supplies as well. They’ve proven their worth a hundred times over, both in giving me an excuse to get outside—and allowing me to deeply surveil potential escape routes.
I share none of this with Kristo, of course. “I’m sure the light is outstanding throughout the house.”
He nods. “Yes, but in this set of rooms, the bathroom suite has windows with reinforced glass, and again, a nearly impossible drop. You’ll remain here while you’re staying with your Uncle Falcone.”
Irritation knifes through me, along with the usual panic at being hemmed in. “And after I’m out of your hands and off to my intended? Who will make sure I don’t escape then?”
Something dark and dangerous skates over Kristo’s face. “We’ll deal with your ongoing security arrangements when the time comes. For now, unless you want your great uncle’s staffers to see you standing naked in your bedroom, I suggest you make good on your idea of taking a shower.”
“While you watch, I suppose?”
He grins. “Rest assured, I’ll be right behind you.”
I blush hard as I turn sharply around, and we barely make it to the dressing suite before I hear the gentle knock on the bedroom door. Kristo calls out a command as I hurry along, past the corridor that opens onto his and her walk-in closets and into the spacious en suite bathroom.
A gracious tub gleams in one corner, next to a shower large enough to fit an entire soccer team. I don’t hesitate, but move into the shower space and flip on the jets, allowing the water to heat. I’ve already scouted this room once, and if we’re blocked by staffers in my bedroom, Kristo’s correct: any escape attempt would be sheer idiocy.
It’s time I changed tactics.
As Kristo emerges from the short corridor, I move beneath the pounding spray, letting the water sluice over me. Kristo enters the shower space a second later, his cock stiff at attention, every muscle on his body coiled like a spring. As he moves under the water, I reach out to palm his thick shaft, my fingers splaying wide to brush his balls. I’m now as wet inside as I am outside, and I grip his shaft tight, imagining it pushing into me.