Page 33 of Untamed Obsession
I turned to the elevator, wondering what would happen if I decided to jump her. I could just stand beside the doors, and once they opened, I would shove her out of the way and jump in. Then I would take it off the floor and get out of the building and back to my freedom. Dorothy would not see it coming, and I would be home free. It was a great plan.
But Dorothy did not deserve that, and neither did Angelo. His methods had been a little unorthodox, but it wouldn’t make me feel good to run away after everything we had been through. I walked towards the bathroom and put on a robe, ignoring the clothes which Angelo had gotten for me. I did not need to check to know that they would be incredibly revealing and make it easy for him to have me, whenever he wanted.
The doors of the elevator parted and Dororthy walked in with the pizza in her hand. She placed it down on a table and smiled at me before she turned to leave, “I have to deal with the delivery people downstairs, but I will be back shortly. Would you like something to drink?”
“As long as it is something that would loosen you up,” I replied.
“Sorry?” Dorothy asked, looking back at me. “I don’t understand.”
I sighed, “Come on, the whole flight stewardess thing… I can tell you’re a girl from the Heights, so loosen up with me. Let's just spend some fun time together, okay?”
Dorothy smiled, one which covered the entirety of her face. I had realized that she had been doing her best to act professional, but deep down, she was just an everyday person who was trying to please her boss. If I could make life easier for her in any way, then I would do that. Especially if it allowed us to talk comfortably, maybe she would make my stay in the lift a little more bearable.
“Let me wrap things up downstairs, and I’ll be right back,” Dorothy replied, dropping the accent. “I think a bit of whiskey would help me loosen up, but I can’t drink on the job. So, I'll pretend my coffee is just the same. What about you?”
“I was trying to go on a sugar-free diet, but you have given me more food than I’d ever need, so… What the hell! I want a Coke, abigone.”
“One large Coke, coming right up,” Dorothy replied with a smile, eager to have the conversation with me, and probably glad to no longer have to act like she was a British butler.
I watched her leave, looking at the panel beside the elevator as she disappeared. She had made sure to keep the password secret from me, but at least I was certain of one letter she left. The final letter of the password was the first letter of the alphabet. I began to think over the possibilities, wondering what he would use as the password. Angelo’s name had an A at the end when written backward, so I walked over to the panel and typed it in, but a red buzzer told me that I was wrong.
I gave up and returned to the pizza, taking a slice before I moved out to the balcony and looked out over the city. Angelo was out there, conducting his business… And I was locked in here, away from mine. As much I could tell that he cared about me, Angelo needed to understand that I had a life of my own. I was not some princess to be locked away in a tower, I had to be allowed to live as well. We were going to have a heart-to-heart when he got back, and regardless of what he thought was right. I had had enough.
I was going home.
I was alone in a house as huge as a city, bored out of my skin. When Angelo was not around, it was hard to find entertainment in anything. The sudden realization startled me. I would not have admitted that to anyone, not even my own self. But there was Dorothy, and even though the woman was a bit shy, it was better to have her than no one at all.
I stood by the window and looked over the beautiful city. I wondered how much it must have cost for the glass wall installations. The windows were Plexiglas, a sturdy material that I had seen in psychiatric wards. They were basically shatter-proof. It was like every time I took a glance at the building, it stole my breath away. After so much time here, you would think I’d have gotten used to it by now. It seemed like a very peaceful district, and a very rich one too. The way it still respected nature was another thing I liked. Sometimes, I fancied taking a stroll around my neighborhood, but I’d be damned if I couldn’t step my foot outside of this house. Maybe, when Angelo returned, I could ask him if he’d be interested in walking around the neighborhood with me.
I also needed people to keep me company while he was away for most of the day.Ugh.There was just lots of food and beautiful scenery, but it wasn’t enough. No friends. I wondered if Angelo had friends... But I knew the chances of a man like him keeping close relationships with anyone were pretty low. It was probably why he felt comfortable leaving me alone. Maybe it was inconceivable to him that people needed friends.
But, as I came to think of it, I didn’t even have friends either, did I? My work schedule wasn’t flexible enough to include a few hours of social activities. So, in a way, I was not much different from Angelo… at least in that regard.
Throwing on a brown cashmere jacket I found draped in the closet, I decided to take a walk around the house. I had never really done a full tour of the house. The only time Angelo had wanted to show me around, we had stopped at the bar. It was meant to be a quick stop to wet his throat, but he ended up pouring me a glass of a very expensive white wine. He knew what he was doing. Or maybe it wasn’t on purpose. I was the one who lost control of myself after one drink. Something in me only wanted to be daring, and I was biting my lip at him at every instance.
A small bottle of red wine had fallen from our shared intimacy on the counter, and it had shattered. I needed no one to tell me that it was expensive, from the label on it, I knew. But he had simply ignored it and fucked me so hard that I could feel him so deep inside me. Apparently, his orgasm was more expensive than a bottle of wine.
The thought of it made me smile. We had our good times. Soon enough, there would be no room where we hadn’t fucked, despite how large the house was. In a sick way, I realized that I wasproudof being his to use. And, if and when he finally let me go, I wanted him to remember our moments in every room. I wanted him to remember fucking me there and moaning his name.
Angelo had said he would be back late, and I felt the longing urge to return home. As much as I liked being here, the food, the clothes, the sex, I wanted to go home. However, I knew Angelo was not done with me; he was not ready to let me leave. And so until he was ready, I had to make myself feel at home to make the situation more bearable.
The house seemed deserted as I climbed down the stairs to the living room. I hadn’t even seen Dorothy all day. I really enjoyed spending time with her. Well, she was the only person I could really spend time with. Angelo had once threatened to fire one of his guards for looking at me in a funny way. If he was this protective of me now, I wondered how much more he would be if we got married.Married?Why did I think of that?
I sat in the living room and tried to watch TV, but nothing interesting was on. I flipped through different channels, and the only thing captivating enough to hold my attention for a bit was a National Geographic documentary. Apparently, the cable people thought people had better things to do than sit in front of the TV on a hot afternoon. Well, I certainly didn’t. I hissed and left the television on MTV.
Every minute, I would glance at the clock hoping the door would be flung open, and it would be Angelo coming through. Five minutes later, I finally saw Dorothy.
“Good morning, Maria.” She smiled. I had warned her to call me Maria, but anytime Angelo was around, she would still call me Ma’am. They were all scared of him, I’d noticed. It wasn’t respect; it was fear.
“Well, where have you been all day?” I was a little grumpy at her for leaving me alone in my boredom.
“Tending to the garden. I got distracted, and I’m sorry. I still have to take care of the lawn. The gardener won’t be coming around today, and Mr. Angelo said he might be back with a visitor, so I have to do it.”
A visitor? He had said nothing to me about bringing a visitor home. Maybe he had forgotten to mention it.