Page 60 of Untamed Obsession
I felt the weight of the rod go off my body for a moment, and before I could react to its feeling of freedom, I caught a fist to my cheek, stunning me. I blinked just in time to see Vasquez turn and launch the metal rod right at Johnny. It caught the man in the gut, and he fell to the ground, his gun clattering to the floor.
Vasquez turned back to me and wrapped his hands around my neck and began squeezing. But the space he had given me temporarily allowed me to reach for the gun behind me and put it against his chest. He looked down at the gun and then back up at me.
“Fuck you, Vasquez.”
I pressed the trigger down and felt the satisfying release from the gun. Vasquez squeezed harder, trying to use his dying breath to finish the job, but I fired again, moving the gun to his heart this time. I noticed his grip falter, and then he let me go, staring at my face for a second before falling into my body. I shoved his body off of me and began walking towards Maria; at last, we were free.
“Oh my God, Angelo...” She cried, looking at the blood all over me.
“It’s over,” I replied, and took her in my arms. “It’s finally fucking over.”
The television in front of us rattled as we ate in silence. I looked over at it and grabbed the remote, hitting the volume button. There was a presenter on the news, and from the images, I could tell that the main headline was still the shootout that had happened at the meat plant. Maria noticed it too and put down her fork, then turned to watch what the presenter had to say.
‘... reeling from the insane bloodbath that occurred right here in our city, and still a month later, there have been no arrests. Thirty-nine men dead, and still no indication as to who was behind it the tragedy. Many city officials have blamed it on a rise of gang violence, though this is the worst gunfight the city has seen in the last fifty years. The governor has promised to deliver answers. The investigation is still ongoing, as the people of this sitting are impatient to uncover what truly occurred that night. Now confirmed among the deceased, is business tycoon, Mr. Pietro Vasquez. We have reason-’
“His first name was Pietro?” Maria asked with a look of shock on her face.
I took one look at her, and I knew that I had made the right choice. It had not been easy after the fighting had ended. We had called on the doctor, and he made sure that we received proper medical attention afterward. Once Maria was fine, she left the building again, without speaking another word to me. The minute I could get back on my feet, I went after her.
I had seen what my life was without her, and I knew that there was no life without her in it. Benny helped me track her down to the new place where she had been squatting. She had begged a nurse that she worked with to let her stay for a while, but I eventually found her. It took a lot of coercing, and more than a handful of grand gestures on my end, but finally, after a few weeks, Maria agreed to return to the penthouse. That was, on the condition that she was allowed to come and go freely, and I happily obliged. Still healing from my wounds, I was not entirely fit, but I was still well enough to take care of the family.
Benny had returned to us, against all odds, and I did not have to ask him to stay. Dorothy had his number the entire time, and once I left for Vasquez, she had called him, and told him that I would need help. If she had not done so, both Maria and I would have died. For that alone, I owed them both my life, and I would be forever grateful.
Everything seemed to have calmed down, and I made sure that no one would fill the spot that Vasquez had left open. I let Fisher and the family run wild in the new area that they had opened up. With Vasquez down, there was no one to organize the family and bring them together. So, Fisher and the family made short work of the region, setting up stops all over. Taking businesses under their protection and getting the entire new section of turf to merge with ours. It was so vast that it took us a few days before we could understand the full scope of just how much of the city we controlled.
“So, what do you want to do now?” Maria asked, getting to her feet. She had only gotten a sprained ankle and a few cuts on her arm from the entire debacle, so she had made a full recovery… Save for the fact that she now desperately hated freezers. “I’m going to take a shower.”
“But youjustshowered,” I replied, looking at her.
“It’s my body,” Maria replied with a sly smile and continued towards the Jacuzzi. She took off her clothes without turning to look at me and disappeared around the corner.
I smiled and got to my feet, switching off the television. As I took off my shirt, I looked at the city outside the window and walked out to the balcony to take a better look. Somehow, everything had come from here. It had all come from my love for this city. I wanted to run it, just the way my father had. I had changed a few things, and it was odd. But in the end, I had brought peace to it. The city was at peace, and while it took more than what I would have preferred, it was finally there.
“Are you coming?” Maria yelled.
“In a minute!” I replied.
“Too long! Get your ass over here!”
I took off the rest of my clothes and joined her, grabbing at a little something I had brought along with me into the bathroom. She walked up to me seductively and kissed me on the lips while her free hand went down to my cock, stroking it gently as she did. I wrapped an arm around her and used the other to fondle her breasts, pushing her against the wall for support.
“I thought you wanted to shower,” I spoke between breaths.
“Yes, shower you withlove,” Maria replied and got on her knees. She wrapped her lips around my cock just the way she knew I liked it and then paused with her lips sealed around its head. Maria looked up at me with a smile and moved her fiery red hair out of the way. She began moving back and forth on my dick, sucking with her lips and licking with her tongue. I grabbed the edges of the tub just to keep myself upright as she continued.
Just before I was pushed over the edge, she stopped and pulled away, looking up at me with a smile. I grabbed her neck and brought her down on the edge of the tub, getting her to sit. I slapped her ass as hard as I could, drawing a moan from her. I slowly inserted a finger into her, and watched as she began to moan, biting her lips as the waves of pleasure began moving through her. She wrapped a leg around my head and brought me down between her legs.
I moved my tongue with practiced precision, staying on the clitoris as I licked, maintaining a steady rhythm as I moved in a circular manner. I reached up at her breasts and began tugging her nipples, ensuring that she felt pleasure everywhere. Her moans filled my ear as she muttered nonsense, words that goaded me on as I brought her to the edge of her orgasm. She squeezed her thighs together as she began shaking violently. I reached up and drove my cock into her last and began fucking her passionately. I lifted her into my arms and pinned her against the wall as I drilled into her.
She kissed me, bit my neck, and yelled my name as I continued to fuck her, ramming my cock into her pussy. It felt amazing, my toes curled up and shivers ran down my spine. My entire body was locked in, and my fingers held her tighter as my brain begged for me to go faster. I took the cue and carried on, pounding her faster and faster, as she begged me to come. Her words put me on overdrive, and I went wild, coming deep inside her.
We dropped into the jacuzzi and after we had cleaned up, and we sat in the warm water, simply holding each other. In her arms, I listened to the sound of the water around us. I turned and kissed her, and she kissed me back, smiling at me. She ran a finger over one of my wounds and smiled, “This is my fault.”
“No, it’s mine. But this one here, yeah... That oneisyour fault,” I replied. She laughed and splashed a handful of water at my face, causing me to sputter. These short moments of joy kept reminding me that she was the one for me.