Page 15 of Entwined
“So, wait,” Gideon says. “You’re bonded to him?” He points at me. “But you’re like, entwined with his best friend?”
Her eyes light up. “Yes, that’s it. I’m bonded to him, but I’m more connected to Azar.” She bobs her head.
“Are your siblings all safe?” I ask, scanning the apartment.
“Sammy was a little freaked out.” She sighs heavily. “But he’s fine now, I think. It was Coral’s brilliant idea to race Rufus and Gordon, even though they couldn’t go outside to do it, but then Rufus said the apartment below them had a really long hallway, and—” She cuts off and sighs again. “They’re fine, and after the tongue-lashing I gave them, they won’t be doing anything that stupid again any time soon.”
“Good.” I grab her arm. “Then we need to talk.”
“But—” Gideon tries to grab her other arm.
A growl forms deep inside my chest, like the rumble of an angry blessed. It sounds strange coming from this small human shape.
Liz’s arm twists and suddenly my arm’s behind my back, and it hurts. “What’s that? What are you doing?”
Instead of answering me, she kicks Gideon, and then she drops my arm. “Let’s go.”
“What was all that for?” I shift my shoulder up, working out the discomfort.
At the same moment, Gideon says, “Hey, why’d you kick me?”
“Neither of you should be grabbing people and bossing them around.” But she marches to the elevator with me, chin held high. “I’ll be back later, Gideon. Make sure the munchkins are fine.”
He blinks.
“We do have some things to talk about.”
Gideon’s scowling as I shut the door on his irritating face. I planned to shout at Liz the second I could—she really can’t go around telling people things without talking them through with me first. I’d already told Gideon we were romantically involved. But now that we’re alone, I realize that her story does make more sense.
Also, she has both an earth and a flame brand on her shoulder blades. If anyone ever sees them. . .
Her explanation addresses their existence.
“He didn’t believe it.” She shrugs. “He kept asking why you were still coming around. He thought you were mind controlling me.”
“It’s fine,” I say. “But you should check in before you just say things.”
“Sorry.” Her lips compress, and a little ripple runs through the bond. Is that what it feels like when she really is apologetic?
The elevator bings and the doors open before I ask, “What does endowed mean?”
Liz is frowning as she steps off. “Endowed? Like, from on high?”
Now I’m frowning too. “Maybe. I’m not sure.”
“I think it means, like, a gift. But it might depend how it’s being used. When did you hear the word?”
“Gideon asked if I was jealous.” I can’t help my snort. How could I possibly be jealous of him? “And then he said dragons aren’t well endowed.”
Her eyes dart down toward my pants and back up at my eyes.
And now I’m even more confused. “What did you mean, from on high? Does endowed have to do with being in the mountains or up in the sky? Because it felt like he was saying he was better at it than me, but I know he can’t fly at all.”
She claps a hand over my mouth without any warning, and suddenly, I’m staring into her eyes.
Her big, green, intent eyes.
“What’s going on?” I try to ask, but it comes out like whuningnon?