Page 18 of Remember Me?
"Wait. Your face." She croaks out. Just now realizing that she hadn’t uttered a single word to him during their interaction. He turns to her, making a big production of slowly licking his lips, throwing a confident smirk her way.
"I want the taste of you to linger on my lips and in my mouth for as long as possible, Melody." With that, he walks out the door, mouth, and beard still glistening with her pleasure.
"Fuuuuuuckkkk me, did that just happen?" She moves to lock the door, then turns to face her reflection in the mirror.
Yup, it definitely looks like you just got eaten out on the counter of a public restroom, Melody.
Looking through her bag, she finger combs her hair and applies a bit of lip gloss, but nothing can be done for the flush on her face and chest or the slickness at the juncture of her thighs. If she concentrates hard enough, she can still feel the rumble of his groans between her legs and the scruff of his beard grazing all the right places.
"Get it together, Melody." She admonishes, gathering her things and heading out the door.
On wobbly legs, she makes her way to the group. Duke, Theo, Marisol, and Peter are sitting at the table in silence. Marisol takes one look at me and breaks out in a salacious grin. She quickly stands up and saunters towards Melody.
"What did you get up to in there? And where can I get some?" She waggles her eyebrows suggestively.
Chapter Six
Jesus, Marisol, you’re such a sleazeball .
She shakes her head at her fondly. "Down girl. Sorry, no cowboys in the hallway." Melody retorts, her excellent mood officially restored. A mindblowing orgasm will do that to you.
She chooses her seat carefully this time, right next to Marisol, near the aisle where she can get into as little trouble as possible.
"What took you so long, Melody?" This question came from Duke, who had the audacity to look angry at her.
"She was obviously having wild bathroom sex, dickhead." Marisol deadpans. Anxiety fills her body as Melody looks down at her hands. If Marisol only knew just how close she came to hitting the nail on the head.
"Whatever she was doing, it is none of your fucking business." Marisol finishes, crossing her arms and glaring his way. Melody really appreciated Marisol for sticking up for her, but she didn't need to. She was more than capable of defending herself.
Duke glares back at Marisol, but he doesn't rise to the goading, and honestly, she didn't think he would. He didn’t enjoy conflict, not the way Marisol seemed to thrive on it. The ticking of his eyebrow, however, was his tell. He was getting irritated, and Marisol was enjoying his rare break in decorum.
He is always so put together and mature about everything. As a real grown-up with a job, that maturity was what first attracted her to him. She thought that was what she wanted in a partner. Someone thoughtful, who remembered things like birthdays and meeting times. Someone dependable. It was just too bad he was also someone who was dependable for other women, too.
At this point, it wasn’t his behavior that bothered her most, it is how she just let him get away with it. All he had to do was "communicate" his feelings with her, and he would make it seem like his deplorable behavior was okay. That it was her fault he cheated and that she needed to change her behavior to keep him happy. She is embarrassed to admit it, but she believed him every single time.
"Let's go, Melody." Duke announces, "We are leaving. Let the children play." He sneers while putting some bills on the table. Peter snickers as if he wasn't included in the children Duke was referring to.
"Duke, I am not going anywhere. I'm staying with Marisol tonight, and you are going back to California."
"You said we could talk to Melody." Duke leans in so his words remain for her alone.
"No, you said you wanted to talk, but I didn't say we would." The courage she had mustered was starting to fade. The adrenaline was suddenly dipping, running low, and taking her body and will with it.
She scans the restaurant, trying to find a way out of this mess, when she spots Nash, his back is to the booth. She immediately gets lost in the width of his shoulders and slim waist. He is tucked into a corner with Jen. She has her arm on his bicep while she leans in close, whispering something in his ear.
Melody can’t take her eyes away from their exchange, she watches as Nash throws his head back, letting out a burst of laughter, shrugging off Jen’s arm. Even as his laugh sends shivers through her body, Melody can't help the rush of disappointment that courses through her. Jen's entire face lights up. She is beautiful, especially when she smiles. The differences to Melody are apparent. She is younger, more age-appropriate, and physically, Jen is slimmer, taller, and bolder.
This was fine. Graham needs someone like Jen. She is a better fit. Melody needs to stop looking at them. But man, do they make a striking couple.
Maybe he was done with her. She was an itch that he needed to scratch and was already making its way out of his system. He said he had been waiting years for the chance to be between her legs. His crush had run full circle, and now he was over it.
Stop looking, Melody.
"On second thought, " she looks up at Duke. "You're right; let's go."
Duke startles for a second but jumps at the chance. As if sensing her eyes on him, Nash takes that moment to look back at her. His face lights up for a second before he notices Melody make her way out of the building with Duke trailing behind her.