Page 55 of Remember Me?
He sighs, finally admitting defeat. "Fine, have it your way. Just a warning, Nash has been in a shit mood the past few weeks, so if he doesn't treat you right, you come find me."
"Deal." She says, knowing full well she would never. She has her hands full as it is; no need to add another problem, a hot problem, but a problem nonetheless.
"Party is in apartment 238. I'll be up soon, darlin’, just in case you change your mind."
She gives him a nod as a thank you and slowly makes her way upstairs. The environment is so different from her apartment complex. The music is deep and low; she can feel it vibrating through the metal railing.
Maybe this was a bad idea. This is his domain. She shouldn't be here. Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she looks around, deciding to follow behind a few scantily clad girls, giggling the entire way down the hall. They are swerving with their walks so she stays a few paces behind them. They were obviously heading in the right direction.
Gosh, they are young.
And incredibly annoying.
It's hard to believe she was ever this young.Well, technically, she wasn't. She started college later in life, at 21, so she never really fit the college coed stereotype. She also went to a community college, so the big university life never happened for her. And right about now, she is glad it didn't. This wasn't her scene, even in her prime, feeling more at home at a library or bookstore than at a college party.
Was this the way Graham spent his nights? Partying? She didn’t know him at all, not really.
Peering into the apartment from behind the girls, in their mile-high heels and tiny waists, she looks for Graham. The music is so much louder in this room than in the hallway, even with the door wide open.
Bodies are piled together, some dancing, some making out. It was quite the scene. She was feeling even more uncomfortable if that was even possible. She gave a quick survey of the room. Not seeing him right away, she moves back towards the door, deciding she really didn’t want to delve any deeper into this party. She would just wait to see if he would call her back.
Just as she was moving through the threshold, she spots him in the kitchen. A girl sits on the counter, him between her legs, drinking a beer. He isn't touching her, but the position is suggestive enough for her.
She is talking to him—or at him, really— because his face is pointing in another direction, his attention elsewhere. She tried to follow his line of sight, but there was nothing there, his expression blank. A look she had never seen grace his face. He is still beautiful, even through the blankness overpowering his features.
He takes another swig of his beer, grimacing. At what point did he start drinking? He never had a drop of alcohol the entire time they were together, and she certainly had her fair share. He had plenty of opportunity.
She can't tear away her gaze. Even now, nestled between another woman's legs, he is breathtaking. She can't fight how attractive he is.
This is just as well. She needed to learn her place, and her place was not with him, not here, at least.
This was a completely different world, one that she would never fit neatly into.
They don't belong together.
She slowly backs away, giving Graham one final glance. She turns abruptly, coming face-to-face. Well face to chest, really, with Nash's roommate.
"Whoa there, pretty girl, where are you running off to?"
He looks into the room to see Graham with that girl. His features soften, pulling her toward him, shielding her from the sight.
"Here, let me walk you to your car. It's not safe out there."
"Ok, yeah." She relents, glad he didn't come onto her or try to take her to their apartment. She could really use the walk back. The entire scene was too overwhelming.
"What's your name?" He asks, walking down the long hallway, the dull music still thumping in the background. Her body feels hot and clammy. She can feel the anxiety threatening to overflow. She shouldn’t have come here.
"I’m no one. No need to worry, your pretty, little head." She says softly. Not really wanting Graham to know she was here. Maybe she can pretend like none of this ever happened.
"I knew it!” Roommate announces as confusion overtakes her feelings of hurt. “You think I’m pretty.” He flutters his lashes, making her smile. “Well, Miss No One-who-thinks-I’m pretty, my name is Daniel, or Dan , or Danny , or 'the most handsome of them all.' I made that one up specifically for you, pretty girl."
She laughs softly, looking up at him. He's a big guy, taller than Graham, for sure, and wider, too, his shoulders almost as wide as a door frame. I doubt he was a swimmer. He doesn't have the build for it. But she is thankful for his company all the same. He has a gift for putting people at ease, and right now, she really needs it.
"This is me. Thanks for the walk." She moves to get into the car.
"For what it's worth, he really is in a foul mood. I don't think you saw what you think you saw, " he says, helping her close the door. "That isn’t him. Not really, anyway. He doesn’t…I don’t know what is going on with him.” He shakes his head and looks down at his shoes like he has to stop himself from saying more.
"Hey, look, it's not your fault, and honestly, it's better this way." She says to him. "Thanks again for walking me back." He nods and stands back over the sidewalk, watching her drive off.