Page 92 of Remember Me?
“Why do you want them now, Graham? You didn't want them for the last five years. Why now?” He is begging, pleading with him to what? Let him have his family. That wasn't going to happen. But he did owe him. He owed this asshole so much. He moves to sit next to him.
“I’m going to tell you a story. I have loved that woman since I was ten years old, and one summer, for one magical summer, I got everything my dumbass little 20-year-old self could have asked for. I got the girl, but that girl didn’t want all of me; at least, I didn’t think she did. You see, Duke. I thought I lost everything that summer. Recently, however, I learned that I lost a hell of a lot more than just my shot at qualifiers and Melody. I lost the first five years with my son. A son I never knew I had. A son that was raised by another man. A son I never got to see take his first breaths or his first steps or speak his first words. I missed so many firsts because I gave up. I gave up on fighting for Melody. I was young, but even at ten years old, I knew I loved her. So, no, Duke. I won’t give them up, not now that I finally have them back. You will always have this deep-seated connection to my family, and I won't ever get in the way of you seeing them. But make no mistake, they are mine.”
“Do you really think you’re the only person in this relationship with a sob story, Graham?” He pulls out a small velvet box. “That family in there has been the only thing holding me together for the last few years.” Duke holds out that stupid box to him. He knows what's in there. What else could it be but a fucking ring. “I was going to ask them to be mine, officially, after this summer. I was coming down here next week to ask her father. That may seem old-fashioned, but it felt like the right thing to do.”
Fuck. Graham is speechless. He didn't see this coming. He didn't even know this was a possibility.
“Tell Melody this conversation isn’t over. Tell her I will call her later, but right now, I have to get out here.” Duke makes to leave, walking off and leaving Graham to sit there like an asshole. How connected were they? Does this change anything between them? Will she accept his proposal?
“You should ask her.” He calls out to Duke. “This is her life, after all. I’ll step back today. You talk to her. If she says yes, you will only see me when I pick up Ollie.” Graham looks down at his feet. “I owe you at least that much.”
Graham lets himself back inside. He finds Melody pacing the kitchen, having picked up everything from breakfast in the time he was outside. The dishwasher was running, and the countertops were gleaming.
“Where’s Uncle Duke? I wanted to show him how to put the dinosaurs by ABC order like you showed me.” Ollie looks up at him with his dinos all laid out on the floor.
“Hey, bud.” He goes over to sit on the floor. He didn’t want to face Melody right now. He didn't want to see the open worry and fear that was probably haunting her beautiful face. He pulls Ollie on his lap, the little boy opening his arms to embrace him like a monkey.
“Is he mad at me?” Ollie asks.
“No, buddy, Uncle Duke loves you so much. He just needed to go to the store. But hey, do you want to go to Abuelas? I bet you can talk her into making some brownies.” He looks back at him with a giant smile,
“YES! Can Uncle Duke come? He loves brownies too, and I want him to see Grandma Rosa. He is going to be so happy to see Tia Marisol. They love to fight. It's funny.” Ollie runs off to his room to get ready.
Melody comes to join him on the carpet. Sensing his mood, she sits closer to him. “Do I want to know what happened?”
“Melly.” He stops, turning to look at her. She pulls him closer, leaning over him gently to place a brief kiss on the side of his mouth. He smiles at her. “You and Duke need to talk as much as I don't want you alone with him. I think you guys have some stuff to work through.” She pulls back, uncertainty swimming in the depths of her eyes.
“What are you saying right now?” He sighs, leaning his head against the couch. “I may have miscalculated the depth of his involvement in your life. I want you guys to unpack it. And I want you to make an informed decision about our relationship. We came in pretty strong, both times, I want you to know your options.”
“My options. Are you brushing me off already?” Her back straightens, her fury displayed in the furrow of her brow and the set of her mouth. He smiles at her.
“Come here.” He pulls her over his lap, and she comes willingly, arms open and around his shoulders, facing him. “I will never brush you off. I want this so much. God, more than anything in the world. But I need you to come to me absolutely free of any bond you may have with Duke. I don’t want regret to taint our relationship again. Give him a chance to say his piece, and if you don't choose me. That’s okay, this house is still Ollie’s and that back room will always be his and my heart will always belong to you.” He kisses her deeply, hoping that this is not the last time her mouth will be on his or the last time she melts into his embrace.
“Duke is going to call you. I will take Ollie to Mami’s. When you guys are done, come over, no matter the outcome. Ollie needs to see us getting along and as much as it pains me. He needs his Uncle Duke.”
They leave her behind.
She sits there on the couch, waiting for Duke to pick her up. He told her to pick the place, so she chose the park. It was always special to her and she wanted to show him where she grew up. She wanted to show him why she wanted this for Ollie.
Finally, she sees his rental pull up, and she goes out to meet him. He is all dressed up in slacks and a short sleeve button-down.
“Hey! You look nice. What's the big occasion?” She looks down at her own outfit, denim shorts and one of Graham's T-shirts. She didn't bother changing, and now she feels underdressed. He looks down, brushing his hands over his pants.
“Nothing, just the only other clothes I packed, is all.” Accepting his answer, she gets into the car, settling in for the quick drive. They sit in companionable silence, the kind of silence that you have when you have built a strong bond with someone. There is no need to talk or fill the space with anything. Once there, he grabs her hand in his, and it's natural. She pulls him towards her favorite table, right by the water's edge, and sits on the tabletop.
“This was my favorite spot as a kid. I used to bring Graham and Marisol here all the time. I’d bring a paperback, Graham would bring his homework, and Marisol would run around. This is what I want for Ollie Duke. I want him to have these moments like I did, surrounded by a big family of love and support.” She looks at him, begging for him to understand.
“I can see that.” He says sadly. “Melody, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can, Duke, anything.”
“Would you have ever considered me? Us? To be together as a family?” He asks, guarded. “It’s just that I was going to ask you to marry me, Melody. I have been carrying around this ring for months and just never found the right time to do it. Then you come back here, and it doesn't feel right anymore. I feel like an outsider when we were a family for so long.”
Wow. That was definitely a lot to unpack.