Page 10 of His Pride and His Prejudice
“I was thinking about Mr. Bingley,” he said.
Elliot had wondered if his brother would be keen to talk through the events of the evening. They usually did after a Meryton assembly, though their discussions were usually focused on anything scandalous that might have occurred. Never had they had an alpha to consider before!
“And where are your thoughts leading you?” Elliot asked.
A pause and then, “In a happy direction,” Jack said softly. “For he is just what I imagine a young man ought to be. Sensible, good-humoured, lively, and I never saw such happy manners, so much ease, and such perfect good breeding.”
“That is welcome news,” Elliot said slowly, giving himself a moment to think, as Jack’s words were in such stark contrast to how he had seemed when Bingley had arrived at the house to meet their papa. He wondered now if that had simply been due to the surprise of Bingley’s looks and ease of manners. It was generally held that omegas were the most attractive in society and most alphas less so. Bingley was a clear exception.
“His family seemed quite delightful also,” Jack added.
“And handsome all of them,” Elliot said quickly because he was not entirely sure from the comments that he had heard around the room that they were all delightful. “But perhaps Mr. Bingley the most handsome of them all.”
“Mr. Bingley is quite handsome, this is true.”
“Which a young man ought likewise to be if he possibly can,” Elliot said. “His character is thereby complete!”
Jack laughed just as softly as he had spoken. “I was very much flattered by his asking me to dance a second time. I did not expect such a compliment.”
“Did you not? I did for you. But that is one great difference between us. Compliments always take you by surprise and me never. What could be more natural than his asking you again? He could not help seeing that you were about five times as handsome as every other man in the room.”
Elliot turned and propped himself up on his elbow also. They were directly facing each other now.
“It is nothing but truth,” Elliot said. “As you say, he certainly seems to be agreeable, and you have liked many a less agreeable person over the years.”
“Give me an example!”
“Mr. Warborough?”
Jack rubbed at his moustache. “Well…yes…but how was I to know that he had set his sights upon me and be willing to follow it up with such vigour that he would arrive at the house to declare his undying love only to misjudge the depth of the river at that time of the year!”
“Miss Fannybrow?”
“She was a lovely young lady,” Jack said.
“Except when she was trying to put you in a compromising situation to force a declaration! She knew full well that you desire a male partner.”
“Yes, but she was convinced that I was her fated mate. Still…I am not sure that she meant to lock the door…”
“Oh, you are a great deal too apt, you know, to like people in general,” Elliot said and inexplicably he thought of Mr. Darcy. “You never see a fault in anybody. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes.”
“Until they reveal otherwise,” Jack said. “Which is only fair, is it not?”
“But you also tend to think well of everybody’s character even when the evidence suggests you should think differently,” Elliot said, and Mr. Darcy was firmly dislodged from his mind as he considered all the misters and misses over the years that had fallen in love with Jack and the various schemes implemented in an attempt to catch him. How many had declared him their fated mate, their one and only? But Jack had never felt it in return so how could it possibly have been true? Maybe their mama was right, and those people had all been fools. That would explain why Elliot had succeeded in preventing their schemes and ensuring his brother’s reputation remained intact. “Did you like the rest of Bingley’s party too?” he asked.
“Certainly not Mr. Darcy! Not after what he said about you,” Jack replied. “I am sorry, Elliot.”
“Why? I am not injured by it,” Elliot said though he was not entirely sure that was correct.
“It was uncharitable of him.”
“I am to be pitied now then?”
“That is not what I meant.”