Page 160 of Detained
What they don’t know yet is each of them will be receiving a hefty financial bonus.
“Now, business will return to usual. We have more shipments coming in and deals with the Russians to take into consideration. Jax will lead the front withthem and Grayson will continue with your training, both combat and boxing.”
I glance at my two main men, both sporting grins.
“Zara and I are exploring expansion opportunities. Mainly with clubs and properties, potentially into the takeover in Sicily. The End Zone will be coming back. Some of you will work on that until Keller is ready to help.”
I let out a breath. He’s awake, he’s in recovery. Despite having some touch and go moments, he pulled through with his wife by his side. I know he will be back in action in some form as soon as he can.
“He’ll be back, but sticking to training this time.”
“And I’m sure you’ve all noticed the reappearance of the other Russo brother.” I turn and gesture for Luca to join me.
“Now, this asshole, he’s not going anywhere. He might not be the boss anymore, but he will be my right-hand man, working closely alongside Enzo.” My hand claps him on his shoulder.
Luca nods and waves like he’s on a Sunday float. With a baby on the way, he’s moving back to New York. He made it clear he had no intentions of leading alongside me.
Zara takes her spot beside me and holds my hand.
“And we will celebrate this victory at our wedding in a couple of months. I expect you to all be on your best behavior. Now, get back to work. We don’t stop, we don’t slow down, we expand. New York is ours. This time we fucking keep it that way. Who is with me?”
The men roar, and I squeeze Zara as Grayson and Jax join us to look out at the army we’ve built.
We may be the most fucked up family to walk this earth, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Family are the ones you choose. Zara and these men beside me, they are my family, the ones I will kill for, or give up my fucking life for.
The ones I will have by my side as we rule over the city.
There is just one last piece to put into place… making Zara my wife.
My forever.
I jog down the stairs. I need some air. After seeing Zara in her wedding dress and her begging me to make her ass red, I had to drag myself out of that room. I follow the smell of cigarettes that wafts through the window and head out into the yard. Grayson, Jax and Luca sit around the table with a bottle of scotch.
“Starting without me?” I ask as I stride toward them.
“We didn’t realize you would be so damn long,” Grayson says, pouring me a glass and sliding it across the table.
“Sorry, Zara needed me.”
Jax rolls his eyes. “Needed a dicking more like.”
I slap him in the back of the head. “Watch your mouth.”
Luca and Grayson hold back their laughter. He’s not wrong though.
“You never know, Jax, you might find a woman one day who can show you a thing or two.”
“Quality over quantity,” Grayson adds, and holds up his glass.
“Yeah, easy for you guys to say that. I’ll stick to my plan, thank you.” Jax knocks back his scotch and lights his cigarette.
“And what plan is that?” Luca asks. Rosa comes through the door and sits on his lap. I smile as I watch him cuddle her against him, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, his hand protectively stroking her little belly bump.