Page 2 of Ronan's Charming Mate
“Listen,” Taryn said, her voice gentling from the stern sisterly tone, “if your truemate was anywhere near us, you’d be having mating dreams, but you’re not so we need to go. The government isn’t letting us move on right now, but joining the NWFA will definitely allow that to happen. You and Sylas can fight and I’ll see if I can find a job within the organization doing clerical work.
“Need I remind you that we’re the last sabers? If you don’t find your truemate, then neither will Sylas and I, and going through life without finding my mate and having kids is a hell I don’t want to contemplate.”
Sabers were unique in the were-world, because they couldn’t simply have children with anyone they wanted, they were only able to conceive with their truemate. They found their truemate with mating dreams. The closer they were to their mate, the stronger and more clearly the dreams became, leading the two together.
He was twenty-six, which wasn’t old in the whole scheme of life, but he felt old. Especially with the knowledge that he was dooming his siblings to a life alone as well if he didn’t find his truemate, wherever the hell she was.
“All right, all right,” he said. “Let’s reach out to this Alpha Black guy and find out if he’s even accepting new fighters before we get our hopes up.”
“Yes,” Taryn said with a happy giggle.
“Hell, yes,” Sylas said, pumping the air with his fist. “I’m going to hit the gym while you handle all that.” He waved his hand over the tablet and then turned, grabbing a few protein bars from the jar on the counter before going back to the bedroom.
“I have pretty good ideas,” Taryn said.
“You do,” he said. “I appreciate it.”
“It’s not just about you,” she said. “I want to find my mate, too. I can feel it in my bones, the need to find him and start a family. It’s an ache that doesn’t go away and only gets sharper.”
“Trust me, I totally understand.”
She nodded and left the RV, returning to her favorite lounge chair outside, where she was most likely reading and having a cup of coffee.
He stared at the tablet screen, where the NWFA page was like a beacon, offering a bit of hope in the weary darkness he’d been surviving in since he shifted into his saber form and knew he needed to find his truemate.
She was out there somewhere.
* * *
“And what type of shifters are you?” a male named Krel asked.
Ronan had reached out by email explaining their situation and desire to join up, and then hit the gym with Sylas. He’d just finished working the heavy bag when his phone rang.
“Sabers,” he said, walking out of the gym and moving down the sidewalk for some privacy.
“Sabers. Sabers?” Krel asked.
“Yeah, sabertooth tigers. Why?”
He was silent for a moment. “I thought your kind were extinct.”
“Well, obviously not.”
“Of course. I’ll need you to email me a copy of all of your licenses. I’ve already sent you the link to the background check, fill it out as soon as you can. Once you’re through the check, Alpha Black will give you each a letter of intent that will be filed with the government, allowing you to travel to our headquarters for in-person interviews. It’s simply a formality, of course. We welcome any and all shifters to join our group, particularly those who are looking to travel.”
“How long does it usually take?”
“One day for the background check, one day for official approval from the government for you to travel. Don’t leave your state until you get that government letter, though, otherwise you’ll end up in a world of trouble.”
Since the government didn’t allow shifters to just move wherever they wanted, which he’d never really understood, they had to get approval to leave the state they were in. It was a long and arduous process that he hated to the core of his being.
“You guys work fast with the government,” he said.
“Only because we’ve proven ourselves to them over the years. We don’t make waves and the government enjoys the tax money they make off our ticket sales. It’s a win-win for them. And us too.”
“I’ll get the license pictures to you right away and fill out the background checks too.”
“Sounds good. Hopefully we’ll see you soon.”