Page 19 of A New Chance
Charlotte's heart fluttered as she approached the harbor, her anticipation building with each step. The salty sea breeze tousled her hair, and the cries of seagulls overhead only added to her excitement. Charlotte couldn't deny that the connection with Simon was growing stronger, but apprehension still lingered in the back of her mind, the ever-present knowledge that Daniel was still a presence in her life.
As Charlotte neared the bustling harbor, she noticed an attractive woman chatting animatedly with a group of fishermen, Simon among them.
"Wouldn't you just love to take one of these beauties out for a spin?" the woman asked her captivated audience. "There's nothing quite like feeling the spray of the ocean on your face as you glide through the waves."
Charlotte's stomach dropped. Could this be Simon's ex-wife? The woman certainly had a presence—confident and charismatic—and Charlotte couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as the woman continued to talk animatedly with Simon, her hand resting on his arm possessively.
Charlotte felt an anxious knot in the pit of her stomach as she watched them from a distance. She had been having bad dreams lately about Simon getting back together with his ex-wife, and now here she was in the flesh. All of Charlotte’s doubts came flooding back: Was he still in love with his ex? Did he still have feelings for her? Would he leave Charlotte for her if given the chance?
The woman laughed at something Simon said, and they seemed to share an intimate moment that made Charlotte feel sick inside. She wanted to run away, but instead remained rooted to the spot as if invisible chains held her prisoner.
Finally, after what felt like hours, but was probably seconds, the conversation ended and Simon turned towards Charlotte with a smile on his face that did little to ease her worries.
"Charlotte!" Simon's eyes lit up when he spotted her, and his warm, genuine smile set her heart racing once more. The sight of him – his strong, sun-kissed arms and the wind-ruffled hair that framed his handsome face – sent a thrill through her that she hadn't felt in years.
"Simon," she breathed, her excitement and nervousness blending into a delicious cocktail of anticipation.
Simon strode toward Charlotte. "Funniest thing! I've been thinking about expanding my business," he began, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "There's so much potential here in Chesham, and I want to be a part of its growth. That gal is in trawler sales. Dottie Cunnigham's niece. She can get me half the cost of three new boats."
Charlotte listened attentively, her heart swelling with admiration for Simon's ambition and drive. She watched as his hands moved animatedly.
"Imagine having a whole fleet of boats at our disposal, catering to tourists and locals alike," he continued. "We could offer fishing trips, sunset cruises, even rent out boats for people to explore the coast on their own."
As Simon spoke, Charlotte noticed the boat saleswoman making her way toward them.
"Ah, there's Anna," Simon said, nodding in the direction of the approaching saleswoman. "You should meet her."
Before Charlotte could respond, Anna reached them with a confident stride, her heels clicking against the wooden pier. Her smile was warm and inviting as she extended her hand to Charlotte.
"Hello, I'm Anna," she greeted. "I've heard so much about you from Simon. It's lovely to finally meet you."
"Likewise," Charlotte replied, shaking Anna's hand and doing her best to mask her insecurity.
"Simon's got an exciting plan for the future of his business," Anna chimed in, her eyes twinkling with admiration. "I have no doubt he'll succeed."
"Charlotte, I have something special planned for us tomorrow," Simon said, his eyes crinkling with excitement. "I wanted to surprise you with it."
"Really?" Charlotte's heart raced with anticipation. She couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of what Simon had in store for them.
"Trust me, you'll love it," he assured her, his warm smile making her feel secure and cherished. He nodded to Anna. “Call me with that quote, eh?”
Anna nodded back, and the trio parted ways. As they strolled along the harbor, hand in hand, Charlotte took in the sights around her with Simon – the colorful boats bobbing gently on the water, the seagulls cawing overhead, and the salty breeze that played with her hair. It was a perfect day, one she wanted to savor every moment of.
"Simon, this is already so lovely," she said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "I can't wait to see what you've planned tomorrow."
Just as she finished speaking, and as she was rising up on tiptoe to kiss Simon’s cheek, her gaze fell upon a familiar figure standing near the pier. Her heart leapt into her throat as she recognized Daniel, sitting on a bench looking out over the water. Panic gripped her chest, and she felt the color drain from her face.
"Charlotte, are you all right?" Simon asked, concern etched on his features.
Charlotte hesitated, dropping back to her flat feet, her eyes darting between Daniel and the pathway that led to the main harbor. She knew she couldn't risk being seen with Simon, not when their relationship was still so new and fragile. Her heart pounded in her chest as she weighed her options. Would Daniel cause a scene if he saw them?
Charlotte glanced around nervously, hoping no one had spotted their intimate return. She knew the reality of their situation – their relationship needed to remain hidden until her divorce was finalized, and she felt confident in her new life. It wasn't fair to Simon, but she just couldn't face the scrutiny and judgment from the close-knit community. It seemed a few folks already knew—would they soon be fodder for the gossip mill?
"See you at The Old Crown tomorrow?" Charlotte asked, her voice tinged with longing. She tried not to make it seem as though she were trying to escape.
"Of course," Simon replied, his eyes lingering on hers for a moment longer than necessary. He frowned slightly, but then nodded and smiled. "I'll be there."
With that, they parted ways, and Charlotte immediately felt the weight of their hidden relationship pressing down on her. It was clear that maintaining their secret would be more difficult than she'd initially thought. She knew, though, that it was necessary—wasn’t it?