Page 1 of London Has Fallen
I refuse to go back to that godforsaken school—he can’t make me!
All those pussies do is moan and drone on and on about how much money they fucking have. I have spent three long ass years there. I’m eighteen, I should be able to make my own choices, but my father won’t let me. If I drop out, the rules of the families state I can never take over for my dad. I am his only heir—he and Mom have been trying for a child for years. She has suffered many losses and Dad refuses to keep putting her through the pain of more miscarriages. I know my birth will be a factor in other families protesting me taking over the Memento Mori with my cousins and the Murdoch mafia by myself, but I am a Murdoch and have been since I was ten years old.
Royal and Erika Murdoch are my parents, maybe not by blood but in every way that counts, they are.
“London!” I cringe and turn away from the TV in the living room to see my dad standing in the doorway, looking pissed the fuck off. At nearly twenty-nine years old, the guy still looks good, but I would never tell him that. He likes to fuck with my grandpa and call him old, so I help my grandpa out by giving his son shit about looking old.
His pale blue eyes burn with rage. “Why the fuck did another headmaster just hand in their resignation?”
I balk and place my hand over my heart batting my lashes. “Daddy, how could you think I had anything to do with Mrs. Thompson quitting–”
“Cut the shit, she said she refused to continue working at Blackwood Academy as long as you were a student there.”
I manage to catch myself before I roll my eyes. The old hag is too uptight and constantly has me in detention after school, so I may or may not have played a little prank on her.
“Well, simple then, I quit and she can have her job back.”
“You are not dropping out!” he shouts, now I do roll my eyes. He should know by now that yelling at me never gets him anywhere. All it does is piss me the fuck off and forces me to fuck with him, like right now. As soon as he leaves to go find Mom so she can talk sense into me, I plan to take his new G-Wagon for a joy ride.
“Why the hell not? Who are those old bastards to tell me that I have to attend a fucking school I hate?” I never went to a normal school growing up, I refused so my mom homeschooled me and I passed with flying colors. Well that, and the fact since the knowledge of my father’s identity became public to other families, it meant he was receiving death threats about me.
“They are the heads of each fucking country. Your grandfather happens to be one of the people who voted yes for the school. Why don’t you call him and scream at him while I go find your mother to help talk some damn sense into you.” I smirk when he turns his back and mumbles how much he hates that I’m exactly like him. The second the coast is clear, I dash out of the living room and snag his keys off the counter, then run out the front door. Climbing behind the wheel of his car, I don’t fuck around, starting the beast and burning rubber as I floor it out of the driveaway.
Two minutes.
I count the time in my head as I race down the street, passing by Aunt Nelly and Uncle Chaos’s houses. Seeing his house brings that same feeling of guilt brimming to the surface inside me. I snuff that feeling out before it can send me into a spiral, again. I make it half a block away before my phone rings. I answer on the second ring and place it on speaker.
“Hey, Dad.”
“You little shit! Bring my fucking car back here now.”
“What? You’re cutting out, Dad, it’s really bad service,” I lie.
“London, I am–”
“Warning you,” I say, mocking him.
“Erika!” he screams for my mom as I fight back laughter, this must be hard for him since he pulled these types of pranks on his own father. I round the corner and have to jerk the wheel to the right when someone darts out in front of me. I’m too late, I scream when I feel the person hit the front of Dad’s car. That isn’t the worst part. When I feel the tire roll over the guy’s body, I know without a doubt I just killed him, or at least I hope I did so I don’t have to reverse back over him to put the fucker out of his misery. I slam the car into park and jump out, racing around the back of the truck—the sight of the guy’s mangled body has bile rushing up my throat. This is so fucking inconvenient and is going to delay my plans from going to pay that bitch Mrs. Thompson a visit for snitching on me.
“Fuck!” I shout. I look around, the street is empty and I think I will be able to flee without anyone knowing what I did and then my dad can’t blame me for this. The only lighting is from the street lamps. I hedge toward the guy and stop a couple steps away, leaning forward to get a better look. Eww, the vacant look in his eyes is gross, this fucker is so dead and has just ruined my freaking plans for the night. His head is cracked open and I’m pretty sure that is brain matter on the pavement beside him. His arm is twisted in an S like shape but it’s both his legs that have me screwing my face up, one is bent up toward his body and the other has a bone sticking out of it. I didn’t think I hit him that hard to cause this amount of damage!
“Who the fuck are you?” I spin around to find three guys around my age standing behind me, each holding a Glock and immediately I’m on high alert—fuck, I left my phone in the car!
“Who the hell are you?” I snap, making sure to stomp my foot like a petulant child. I feel my knife in my boot and relax. Dad says never bring a knife to a gun fight but believe me, these fuckers have no idea who I am and how good I am at wielding a blade.
The boy on the left peers around me at the body on the ground. “Ares, she killed the rabbit.” I frown and look back to make sure it was a person I hit and not a fucking bunny.
“No fucking way,” The one on the right says as he steps forward to get a better look.
“Ares, he’s right, she did kill the rabbit,” The one in the middle says. Ares eyes me warily.
“Apollo, get back here,” Ares snaps. The three of them stand there eyeing me with accusation in their gazes. “I’m Ares, these are my brothers Apollo and Adonis.”
“Cool, how the hell do you know him?” I ask, jabbing a finger over my shoulder toward the body. I play this whole thing cool trying to gauge their reactions, we already have one dead body here, I would fucking hate to have three more to clean up if they felt they need to get froggy.
“He was ours to capture, we were supposed to be initiated but you claimed that right.”