Page 10 of London Has Fallen
“You don’t have a fucking choice! Get changed now or I will drag your ass out of here in what you are wearing now and believe me, you don’t want the Godfathers seeing you dressed like this. They won’t think twice about strapping you down to a table and taking turns.” Disgust rolls through me.
“You people are fucking savages!” I sneer.
“Maybe. Now, get the fuck off me and get dressed. You have two minutes.” I search his gaze for a second trying to decipher if he is full of shit but when I see nothing but seriousness, I relent and push off him. I stalk toward my bed and snag my phone as I make my way to my dresser dialing my dad. He answers on the third ring.
“I don’t have time for your shit–”
I cut him off as I pull out a pair of jeans and a black Kiss shirt. “The Greeks are here, the trials begin tonight.” I switch the phone to speaker and toss it on my bed as I peel my sleep shirt off. I can feel his gaze burning into my naked back but I ignore it as I snag the bra I discarded earlier from the bottom of my bed and put it on.
“No, they fucking don’t. I have a meeting with Costa–”
I cut him off again. “Dad.” That one word has him closing his mouth and listening, I never talk to him like this so he knows I’m not fucking around. “They’re here now and taking me to the first one tonight.” I pull my jeans on and quickly slip my shirt on before rearranging my hair into a high ponytail.
“Listen to me, don’t argue, London, just listen, okay?” The worry in his tone has the hairs on the back of my neck standing, I know this is fucking hard for him not being here and being able to protect me but he taught me everything I know, I can hold my own.
“I know someone is there with you, I can hear it in your tone.” I don’t deny his claim. “If the trials are starting before the meeting, it means the Greeks are playing dirty, they don’t want to strike a deal and want you in this game.”
I sigh and nod even though he can’t see me. “I know.”
“I’ll be on the first flight there, but I won’t make it in time.” I can hear the panic and anger in his voice but his rage isn’t directed at me, it’s directed at the fact he isn’t here to protect his daughter.
“I can do this, Dad,” I whisper.
“Time to go.” Comes from behind, before I can finish my dad speaks with a cold tone that has a chill working its way down my spine.
“You listen to me, you little motherfucker. Anything happens to my daughter in this trial and I will slaughter you and your family. I’ll take every single one of you Greek cunts out and not give a fuck about starting a war.”
“Noted,” the bastard clips out.
“Don’t think, don’t feel. You treat this like another one of the training sessions with us. You go in and strike first, strike hard and claim the victory. You are my daughter and I won’t let any fucking thing happen to you, do you understand? I’m coming, baby girl.” The lump that forms in my throat has me slamming my eyes closed. My dad knows I’m scared and this is his way of telling me that I am strong enough without undermining me in front of this fucker.
“I’ll make you proud,” I murmur.
“You’ve made me proud from the moment you came into my life.” I end the call and turn to the son of the bitch who stands across from me with his arms crossed over his chest. That was one of the first heart to hearts my father and I have ever had and I hate the fact this bastard was a witness to it.
“You won’t make it out alive,” he says in a firm tone.
I smile at the fucker. “Keep underestimating me, little boy, I love proving fuckers like you wrong.”
The dark chuckle that escapes him has me tensing. “I can’t wait to watch your bravado fail you. You have no idea what you are in for and I am going to love watching you break.” I say nothing as he turns and pulls his hood over his head and leads the way out of my room. I debate saying fuck it all and making a run for it but my momma didn’t raise no quitter, so I follow after him. The halls are barren and eerily quiet. My senses go on high alert, so I stuff my phone into the back pocket of my jeans so my hands are free to fight. The burn in my ribs begins to make itself apparent and my shoulder aches but I refuse to acknowledge it.
I slam to a halt when the triplets dart out from around a corner. The sexy bartender turns and smirks at me over his shoulder, sending dread pooling into my stomach. “Your first mistake was thinking you know who I am.” I frown but that moment of distraction costs me, I feel a sharp prick in the side of my neck and spin around gasping at the sight of… the bartender? Holy fuck, there are two of him.
“I’m sorry,” the new bartender whispers. I feel the frown building on my face but everything feels sluggish as I swing my arm out, I won't go down without a fight.
Before she can hit the floor, Cronos darts his arms out and catches her around the waist, she’s dead weight in his hold. “Carry her ass to the car, we are on a time limit to get her there,” I clip out.
“How the fuck did you get her to follow you?” Cronos snaps, glaring at me.
Shrugging my shoulders as I turn and walk away, I call back, “ I told her the trials began tonight.” I ignore them cursing behind me as I make my way out the front. I made sure that the other students would be occupied tonight so no one would be able to witness what we are doing. My club is hosting an all-white party and it doesn’t take a genius to know that all of these idiots would jump at the chance at another party before school resumes. If lying to her and forcing her to participate in this little staged trial I have set for her tonight gets her to drop the fuck out, then so be it. I will not risk this bitch winning the trial and costing my brothers their lives.
I lean against my car and wait for Cronos and the triplets to emerge. I know they don’t agree with my decision but as the oldest, they have no choice but to follow my orders. If Cronos wasn’t so out of control and hiding within himself, then his opinion would hold more sway. As they push through the front doors of Blackwood the sight of London passed out in my twin's arms has me feeling unsettled, the feeling being foreign and unwelcome. I brush that shit off and hold the back door open for him. He places her in the car and steps back, staring down at her with a frown on his face. Not liking the intensity of his gaze on her, I slam the door and turn to the triplets.