Page 19 of London Has Fallen
I purse my lips and nod. “Yeah, I mean it seems only fair you get to picture me fucking you since I’ve been picturing riding your face since I met you at the club.” I turn away quickly so he can’t see me smile. The shocked look on his face and the fact he started choking on his own spit means I hit my mark.
Point to me and zero to the Greek God.
After showering and changing into another one of the shirts I stole from my uncle’s box—I don’t even think Uncle Chaos knew that box was up there and it’s not like I’m going to tell him, he barely tolerates the sight of me let alone having a conversation—I slip beneath the covers and stare up at the ceiling. I don’t sleep much, every time I close my eyes all I see is his blood soaking through my shirt and the bullet wound in the side of his neck. My mom worried about me for months after the incident as I call it but I played it off, I didn’t want her to keep worrying about my nightmares. She thinks they stopped years ago. Truth is, they never did. The older I got the worse it became because now I understand everything about what happened that day. I read all the news reports and scoured through the documents my dad had on his desk.
I killed my uncle.
Before I can spiral any further down the rabbit hole I grab my new phone from the bedside table and dial my aunt, praying she is awake. She answers after the fifth ring and just the sound of her voice soothes the darkness inside me.
“Hey, karma, what’s up?” I smile.
“Hold up, I’m gonna make this FaceTime and add Aunt Meelz.” Aunt Sin says nothing as I add in my other aunt and switch to video call. Her beautiful face fills the screen and I'm hit with homesickness at the sight of her. Aunt Meelz joins the call before I can say anything else, her cheerful smile contagious and I can’t help but smile back at her.
“Hey, gorgeous,” she says to me. “Chanel,” Aunt Meelz clips out.
“Amelia, never a pleasure to see you.” I bite my lip to keep from laughing. My aunts glare at each other through the phone screen. I know they don’t have the best relationship but they always put that shit aside when it concerns me and I love them for it.
“Do you always have to be a cunt?” Aunt Meelz snaps.
“It’s my default setting whenever I see your face,” Aunt Sin claps back. Before they can continue to bicker, I cut in and put an end to it.
“I used the training you taught me, Aunt Meelz.” She shoots me a megawatt smile, pride shines in her eyes.
“You saved someone?” she asks.
“I kind of had to stitch my headmaster,” I say. Aunt Meelz looks shocked while Aunt Sin smiles.
“You cleaned up after yourself, well done, karma.” I shake my head.
“Nah, I didn’t inflict his wounds, Aunt Sin.” I fill them both in on what happened and about the deal I struck with Artemis.
“You can’t trust him. He is one of them, London,” Aunt Meelz warns.
“It disgusts me to admit it but Amelia is right. He is the son of Costa and could be leading you astray.” I listen to my aunts and their warnings about how to proceed with this. Aunt Meelz thinks I should steer clear of him and wait for Grandpa and Dad to have their meeting but Aunt Sin, of course, tells me to take the five of them out before they can come for me. I nix her idea and tell them I will keep them updated with how my meeting with Artemis goes in the morning. Before I end the call, Aunt Sin tells me that she and the others are flying out tomorrow night for the meet with Costa and she will make sure I am present even if my dad hates the idea.
Slipping on a pair of black jeans and my favorite Doc Martens paired with a faded band tee and a crop leather jacket, I pile my hair into a ponytail and deem myself ready to meet with Artemis. I make my way to his office twenty minutes early. My mom always said if you’re on time then you’re late so I am always early to everything. I don’t bother knocking as I push his office door open. I look around the crowded space and frown. I have always hated the clutter in this space, believe me I have spent more times in here than I would have liked so I am well equipped to know where everything is. I make my way over to his desk and claim his chair. Swiveling around, I snap my arms out and grip the edge of his desk when a gold ring catches my attention.
“Motherfucker,” I breathe out as I pick it up and inspect the thing. It’s the same as the one I saw the triplets wearing and much like theirs, this one is missing a stone as well. It’s solid gold, the lion roaring and there are claws that should hold a diamond or something at the edges of its mouth. Is this a family thing or some shit?
“What the fuck are you doing?” I jerk in fright and snap my head up to glare at Artemis as he limps toward me and snatches the ring from my hold. I scoff and recline back in his chair, running my gaze over him. He doesn’t dress like a headmaster should. He wears a fitted black shirt, jeans and… Holy shit. He’s wearing Chuck Taylors.
“Dude, you seriously need to think about your wardrobe choice if you want everyone to take you seriously around here.” He places the ring back on his index finger before pinning me with a scathing look.
“Get your ass out of my seat.”
I ignore his demand and kick my legs up on the edge of his desk, crossing them at the ankles and folding my arms over my chest. “Let’s be real here. I know for a fact you can’t do shit given your current…” I tap my finger against my chin pretending to think of the right word, “… predicament. So, let’s not measure cocks because I guarantee you, mine is bigger.” His face scrunches in disgust.
“You need a fucking muzzle.”
“You need to get laid so you’re not so uptight.”
“You offering?” he claps back.
“You prepared to get on your knees?” I counter.
He shakes his head and stabs a hand through his thick brown hair. “You are fucking vulgar!”
I shrug. “Didn’t stop you from checking out my ass last night.”